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FMB Fanclub

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  • Re: FMB Fanclub

    Morning all, another beautiful day here, seriously debating a nice long weekend, tomorrow and Tuesday off? what do you reckon, garden or railway arch? hmmmm difficult one!


    • Re: FMB Fanclub

      lol i got my weekends mixed up ! i thought i was having a long weekend this weekend but its next weekend!!! good job i realised b4 i set out tomorrow!!! i would have been really annoyed!
      enaid did you tell her the mistake shed made?? i wouldve silly woman!
      jan take the garden cos u know u arent going to be feeling well tomorrow!


      • Re: FMB Fanclub

        Hi Archer,
        Are you ok you sounded a bit down last time we spoke.
        We all have our off days thought don't we?
        I think she knew by my voice she had a no sale right away lol. Alarm that gets response ROFL.
        How is our Jet? is she still behaving?


        • Re: FMB Fanclub

          Just dropped a post shelf on the corner of my foot, about 2 ft x 2 ft 1/2 inch ply so I'l seriously thinking of going the accident book route and having a couple of days off with a suspected broken foot!!!


          • Re: FMB Fanclub

            pmsl you're determined, in fact so determined I don't think you will be in work tomorrow some how lol


            • Re: FMB Fanclub

              Let me be the first to say : Good Morning fellow beaglies !
              Come on everybody this thread is slowing down somewhat, lets get it back up an running properly.



              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                Morning morning,
                Lovely day again here, sun is well out, nice one.

                going for a blood test this morning, wonder if they can get the rum back that i supped last night lol
                our Tilly is having a jab as well, that is if they can catch her lol.
                I think we will have a ride to the seaside then if weather holds up, get some proper fish'n'chips.


                • Re: FMB Fanclub

                  Did I tell you I was off work today?

                  Foot is much better after some TLC from mummy and a night with my leg on a pillow.

                  Now what to do with my day of peace - everybody else at work, decorating or a DVD and an afternoon of reading?


                  • Re: FMB Fanclub


                    • Re: FMB Fanclub

                      Morning everyone, tis a beautiful sunny day down here in Devon.
                      Nothing really planed for today, maybe potter round the garden for a bit.... my bike could do with some TLC aswell... Ooooo exciting stuff then ....lol


                      • Re: FMB Fanclub

                        Bear with me guys I need a rant:
                        1. As you all know Nat West a claiming a large amount from us at moment, anyway with the help of Ashley, Ame, Cet and others we sent of our letters, forms etc asking for time to pay. Yesterday I phoned Manchester court and was told that a determining officer (basically a normal office manager with no specific training for these situations) has decided that we must pay up £54k by 20th Sept. So next move is to write a nice letter to the court (with the help of my super intelligent friends here) asking for time to pay, yet again. This will probably mean that it will get moved down to our local court and my old git will be able to attend and make representations himself. Hopefully we will get somewhere keep yer fingers crossed for us peeps.
                        What angers me is that we are not in this debt through spending, living lavishly etc etc, its because of himselfs ex business partner crapping on us from a bloody great height and no before you ask there's nothing we can do about it).

                        2. The Old git and his twin brother are celebrating their 60th birthday on 7th Sept. So I decided to organise a surprise bash on the 1st Sept in our house, the brother in laws girlfriend has got involved (basically she's paying for the food, ordered it from waitrose and now I find I've got to go and pick it up). So I've contact over 80 peeps to arrive anytime , got music sorted, etc etc and guess what some bugger has let the secret out ffs. :devil:

                        Am I stressed errrrrr only slightly, keep waking up in middle of night, can't think of any thing else etc etc.
                        So please bear with me for the new few weeks peeps and I'll try to be back to normal as soon as possible. :rolleyes:



                        • Re: FMB Fanclub

                          Awww hunni, we're all here for you.
                          feel free to rant away, I'd be ranting too in your situation hun.
                          we're all routing for ya hun, I'm sure the party will still be great even though the secret's out. and don't worry you still the same sapphy we know and love...keep yer chin up hun.

                          lot's of love


                          • Re: FMB Fanclub

                            sapph everything has a way of working itself out in the end.im sure itll be ok .
                            BIG HUGZZ
                            and give the big mouth a slap round the head!! lol
                            enaid Jet is still doing ok.she gets up about the same time as me 6am,but she has this awful howl when she wakes!!
                            she is sitting really well now!
                            well off to finish work and go shops.
                            im so broke! something to do with Natwest again!!


                            • Re: FMB Fanclub

                              morning archer
                              glad to hear little Jet is doing so well, it's been such a long time since I've had a pup in the house! my OH really not a dog person.....won't let me get one at all
                              oh well, I have my friends huskies to walk and train.... so i'm not living a compleatly doggie free life

                              lol i'm broke too hun....... and it's ALLWAYS to do with natwest pmsl


                              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                                I friggin HATE nat west grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

                                By the way where's fendy been lately ??????



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