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FMB Fanclub

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  • Me working today 1.30 till 9.30.
    Oh court for you tomorrow Pkea are yer excited? Do you think they will show for about 6 hundred quid is it? I hope not! you are same court as me and I am going to have a go if you are successful, sorry you are me little guinee pig I hope you don't mind


    • I'm doing my usuall monday morning.......shuffle papaerwork around a bit, what can I get away with ignoring today...... what do I have to deal with.... etc etc. then will apply same principal to housework pmsl


      • Mmm, never been called a guinea pig before.....Stallion, Tiger yes, but never a guinea pig...LOL


        • The guinea pig is obviously for the bank charge reclaiming image, as I don't know any one else who has won wasted costs yet.
          As for your other names, I shall make up my mind about them we have met in person and that will hopefully be soon, dying for a good p**s up


          • Originally posted by enaid View Post
            As for your other names, I shall make up my mind about them we have met in person and that will hopefully be soon, dying for a good p**s up

            I didn't think the p&^s up was going to be so rowdy that you would find out about whether I live up to my other names....pmsl


            • Morning all, good day today got a young man on work experience so thats all my work sorted - and the sun's shining too!!!


              • I want a young lady on work experience
                My Blog


                • Anywhere between 18 and 25 would do.
                  My Blog


                  • Originally posted by PKea View Post
                    I didn't think the p&^s up was going to be so rowdy that you would find out about whether I live up to my other names....pmsl
                    People with nick names like that always slip up somewhere along the line, I will be there to witness it that's all lol


                    • This thread is going to end up in stags pants, I can see it coming


                      • Originally posted by enaid View Post
                        Thank god for that, I have never seen OH move so fast he had his screw driver out faster than I could say his name it's a 5 amp fuse but I had to put a 3 amp in till I get one today will it be ok?
                        If all you are running off of it is your PC and a flat screen it will be fine. Don't plug the kettle into it, will you?
                        My Blog


                        • :rolleyes: even I know that anything that heats up needs 15 amps, thank you anyway


                          • Originally posted by LuggerBugs View Post
                            I want a young lady on work experience
                            Pffttt.....So do I, one to do the cleaning and washing, who can cook and maybe is good at DIY.
                            Dear God I never ask for much!

                            Good morning virtual people of the FMB Fanclub.

                            Best wishes,
                            Borrow money from a pessimist -- they don't expect it back.


                            • Morning HOD,
                              If you get one and she is cheap, let me know I'll get one for the OH!!!!!


                              • PMSL Enaid


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