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FMB Fanclub

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  • It depends how many people are in there. You can switch rooms though, so if you and a few others wanted to have a chat you could realistically go in, switch rooms and then there'd only be a few of you in there chatting.


    • Too Techi I like it in here when I can see what's going on


      • I've lost the plot!


        • I agrre enaid its a slower pace, much more relaxed.


          • Too slow at times for me I have to have chat open, a couple of windows on MSN, 2 windows for this forum, and one for other website.

            I think I may have mis-spent my youth...


            • Plus what is said on here is open for all to see, in chat things can be said to you that noone else is aware of


              • When? just now or what?
                You haven't missed much Delta a few plums green and pink, a discussion from OTR being discussed but only briefly Where have you been anyway have you got a sick note?


                • this is better for old typies like me


                  • Jeez was slow there, see what I mean!


                    • How old are you then RLJ if I may be so bold


                      • you talking to me enaid ?


                        • Originally posted by RLJ View Post
                          Plus what is said on here is open for all to see, in chat things can be said to you that noone else is aware of
                          True true, but you can always copy the text if people are saying things to you that they shouldn't (abuse etc) and that person will be dealt with.

                          There's usually a mod or two in there to deal with any issues


                          • fifty four in August


                            • Cheer me up guys, I am officially off CAG it will be done shortly, the final nail in natties last coffin on there. And Hedgey has gone pink on there. I hope she will be ok. The torch has finally passed on and i am here and cannot post on there. I feel like an end of an era and of course a new one begins. Thanks for the memories oh cag but my friends are here on this site. Love all you guys (i am sober i am afraid to say).


                              • Would you like me to give you a cyber man hug nattie?


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