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  • I have a daughter with learning difficulties, she is 31 now. As she goes to a day center the holidays are not as long thank goodness, in fact they only close for bank hols, xmas and training days.


    • morning peeps


      • Hi Tempty are you feeling any better?


        • sorry if I dissaprear mid converasation or anything!!
          my net connection playing up.......... went off last night could'nt get it back ........bit ropey but I think i'm ok so far LOL


          • hi eanaid
            yes I'm feeling much better still got a few aches, but these really are just aches.... not pains yaaaaaayy


            • lack of pain has'nt improved my speeling this morning then.... sorry enaid


              • Is it the weather or your server?


                • think it's weather! it's been on and off a bit this morning


                  • mind you it has stoped raining here........ for now..... very black it'll go again soon I'm sure


                    • Good Morning Campers, well so far we have had bright sunshine, but now getting dark clouds forming across a bright blue sky. Looks like we're in for some rain etc here as well.
                      Whats the latest gossip then peeps, I've read about hedgeys 'promotion', oh and the latest bitching on the other side. So anything else new ?



                      • It's legging it down here, no sign of a let up either. Glad I'm going to work now can cope with work when it's like this outside.


                        • Don't think so Sapphire, they'll have no beer garden again me thinks if they carry on. Why they have to keep having niggles beggers belief it will get them no where.
                          Andrew Murry is out of Wimbledon, not a surprise really. Don't know who that leaves us with that has any chance of getting to week two.


                          • Hmmmm me thinks that working from home is a blessing nowadays, don't have to go out into the rain, and can get out into the garden quicker when the good weather is here as well

                            Re the other side I think they are just bitter and twisted and very, very worried because this site is friendlier, more professional etc etc and thats something they will never achieve as long as they have holes in their asses. So onwards and upwards lets make this 'the place to be'.
                            End of sermon.


                            ooooh I feel better for that


                            • What you mean "make" it the place to be? It already is.


                              • could'nt agree more


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