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  • ok i'm going in. Cover me


    • Sorry my quilt covers me hubby and 4 stone staffy can't fit anyone else in


      • And I am just going to get in it first i hope
        See you all tomoeeow nite nite Enaid. xx


        • I give up. I can't keep up with you lot. 5 minutes I've been away, and there's pages to read.

          Well, OK. A few hours. But you know what I mean.

          What's that about Hedgey tho? Nothing nasty I hope? Too tired to go back and read properly.
          My Blog


          • Hedgey is now a Site helper on Cag all pink an all !
            Me and Fendy just a little upset as you can imagine, but hey ho, life goes on.
            Are you nearly home yet?


            • Peed orf I can see you ther what do you think I am in amazement, I only got a pc 10 month ago jeez I don't know if I'm coming or going


              • Morning All,
                Never seen so much rain, it's horrible out there today.I'm sure the experts said we were going to have a long hot summer! The longest day has gone and before you know it, it'll be xmas


                • morning all ,hope everyones ok.weathers terrible again and supposed to be quite bad all day! yuk!
                  took me ages to catch up on all the posts!


                  • No Wimbledon Boo Hoo,
                    Well the Brits will still be in it tomorrow now anyway


                    • morning peeps,

                      yep wet up here as well......noooooo.soon it will be the kids 6 weeks holidays hope it gets nice before then.

                      Hope everyone slept well.


                      • Ooooh don't mention the summer holidays please, I am still trying to get over last years when we had 9 (yep you read that right NINE) weeks


                        • Glad I'm all over that now, don't know how I coped to be honest. It's just so hard and expensive keeping them occupied.


                          • delta where are you again Burnley way......they changed to go in with blackburn holidays didnt they???

                            oh i dont complain 6 weeks off work


                            • Are you a teacher mistie?


                              • Nooooo Way.
                                I help the special needs kids...dont know whos more nuts them or me


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