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  • Too far for me!


    • Have you always lived there?


      • Lol We'll have to meet up....compare FMB's pmsl


        • Devon... Nice and local to me then (Yorkshire)


          • Originally posted by standingupformyself View Post
            Have you always lived there?

            No I was born here, but dad's job kept us moving as a kid. lived in Florida (don't remember that though) Somerset, wales, Dorset, then came back to Devon when I was 14, met hubby when I was 17, been here ever since


            • now thats a brilliant idea!!!!!!!! hmmmm Red ones, black ones, brown ones or cream ones????? With the red mud I am thinking the black ones, that can easily be sponged off!!! Think its gonna rain all week


              • I went to Audley Park think it is called the community college now though... awful school... could blame it for my lack of money-skills!!! hense the need for reclaiming of bank charges lol


                • LOL the famous Devon red mud!
                  deffinatly plenty of that around at the mo, rain all next week?? has'nt bloody stoped raining here since last week Grrr


                  • Originally posted by standingupformyself View Post
                    I went to Audley Park think it is called the community college now though... awful school... could blame it for my lack of money-skills!!! hense the need for reclaiming of bank charges lol

                    lol lol lol Audley eh?
                    hehe me too yup awfull awfull place ok next question how old are you? I'm 34


                    • 39 sadly............................ what a small world!!!! you were just starting when I was leaving I guess!!


                      • yeah I only had the last 2 years there..... hated the place lol


                        • Hi delta, how's the neck now hun?


                          • Or should we call you lurch?


                            • Hi, lurch here! been sat with that smelly wheaty thing on my neck, its a bit better, but it aint gonna sort it self straight away, this is going to be fun tomorrow out collecting catalogues!


                              • I don't envy you, I have to say.


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