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  • Oooo Delta hun, I can sypathise with ya ........ sore neck........ hurty ...not good try a hot water bottle on it for a bit, and sod the iroing it's sunday..... day of rest an all LOL I wish


    • Slept funny? What telling jokes in your sleep?


      • obviously not very good ones then!
        she all hurty now........ must'ave had to duck for cover allot LOL


        • You sure you haven't just done that trick women do so well in jamming the phone between your shoulder and your ear, that'll kill your neck, if you're anything like my OH and can talk for hours




          • Obviously this isnt the place to come for sympathy Delta!


            • Actually I do have to sympathise with Delta, I've woken up a few times with a stiff... neck and it's agony for a few days before it loosens up.

              That said, you sure it was the sleep that did it



              • hey I was sympathetic.....i'm nice me.....(humph the cheek of it ) besides I still got hurty neck myself.....not fun


                • Oh just like to say well done to Ricky Hatton. The Brits doing us proud this year.


                  • oooo me net connection went all funny then

                    Ricky Hatton is he a Boxer??


                    • Yes he was fighting in LA this weekend against a mexican legend Castillo. Won in 4th round.


                      • not a boxing fan myself, but think I've heard the name


                        • ahh, see I supprise even myself sometimes


                          • Good job I wan't looking for sympathy isnt it! hmmm

                            Other half thinks it may be his fault, he finished early this morning and came home at three, and apparently he put his arm around me when he got in bed, obviously I was well out of it (nuclear bomb would struggle to wake me!), so if I have slept on his arm, then that would account for it, the git!

                            As to the ironing, can't send them to school tomorrow in creased uniforms can I


                            • never been able to get my head round that sport, or any fighting sport really.... but that's just me hehe


                              • get the other half to do it Delta..... hmmm maybe not, not if he's anything like my other half.....he'd put more creases in LOL


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