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  • Oh PMSL
    this is the best entertainment I've had for ages!!!
    cat now stuck at top of palm tree in the garden.....yelling his head off at me....... I'll go get him when I can stop laughing at him


    • ok, so other child deposited at skule..... check

      washing sorted into piles.... check (hey at least it's getting closer to bing done!)

      Kettle on for a coffee before I go to post office.

      Other half doing ok today, he's back at work,(hence the fact I was up so early) still got a cut/bruised/swollen nose, and still taking a load of stick off our 'friends' but he's doing ok, it's just the enormity of it all that he's having trouble with.

      Ok, kettle has boiled


      • oooo dunno enaid, i didnt know you had a printable view on here...
        BRB better go rescuse the looney cat!


        • Morning All
          My head hurts today, and not from alcohol

          Hows everyone else?


          • Why does your head hurt then, pressure headache is it? you haven't been bashed have you?
            I think everyone is ok apart from Tempty's pussy


            • ok cat rescued.....have deposited him in the kitchen and given him his breakfast....hopefully he'll calm down now.......quite pleased with myself....managed to prize him out the tree without getting scratched to pieces in the procces lol


              • Originally posted by enaid View Post
                Why does your head hurt then, pressure headache is it? you haven't been bashed have you?
                No head is just from the stress & pressures of yesterday

                Originally posted by enaid View Post
                I think everyone is ok apart from Tempty's pussy
                Mmm oooerrr No comment

                Anyway Finish work on Friday for 2 weeks, Go the the races on Saturday and holiday the following friday


                • Are you going to Haydock I love it there?


                  • No I'm off to Chester

                    Wife should have gone to Ladies night at Haydock last week, but twas cancelled cos of the rain.


                    • Think some lads from near where I work are going to Chester are you on a pub do?


                      • Originally posted by Mochamoo View Post
                        How you doing chuck?
                        Sorry about that last night internet connection kept going down lol.

                        Hope you weren't getting to lonely.


                        • Morning good people of virtual friends land.
                          Is it morning already (9.17)
                          How odd Tempty, you had pussie problems as well. Yesturday my daughter and her friend who works for her mum the local vet, brought home a kitten. The farmer who found it along with 5 other kittens in his barn was going to drown them all. Daughter and friend to the rescue and we have another cat. Then yesturday evening it was let play outside and it vanished. Daughter and friend swan off and Dad is left to find and rescue the kitten. After 4 hours of looking I found it under a neighbours shed. Hooray for persistance, kitten safe and sound. I have a bad back now from lifting the shed with my bare hands, whilst my neighbour crawled under and grabbed the pussie.
                          Anybody got a recipe for cat pie or better still daughter stew.

                          Have a good un folks.
                          Best wishes,
                          Last edited by Happyolddog; 11th July 2007, 10:13:AM.
                          Borrow money from a pessimist -- they don't expect it back.


                          • Enaid, No I am going on a works day out.
                            Big Boys Beano...Train to Chester, Hotel for Breakfast, start drinking, go to the races, bet on horses and carry on drinking, train back to town, carry on drinking round town, pass out somewhere


                            • Morning all. How come you always get the sun Tempty? Somethings not right there me thinks.

                              Well my plan for the day is nowhere near as exciting as yours. Its work at 2pm. Sort out plans for work trip to France on 1st August. Also plan another residential at end of July. Then Admin for my job entering statistical data for my project (YAWN). Finnishing about 9.30pm. Then home eat, drink, get on forums till the early hours then bed.

                              Friday should be good though as some work colleauges and myself always get together on every Friday 13th for a game of golf. Just hope the wheather holds out.


                              • Ok have been to the postoffice (stick that up ya pipe and smoke it cap one!), got some credit for the phone and the first washer load is soaping up.

                                Youngest child on skule trip to Blackpool today. sposed to be leaving dead on 9am, I goes past skule about quarterpast and the bus still there, cue me having 30 kids at the bus windows waving at me!


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