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  • Delta, tell me more about your jewellery making business? IS it a business? Do you do loads, and would you benefit from going online?

    Just asking, cos the next few days will be an all out effort to finish Mrs LB's online shop. Which is REALLY easy to maintain once it's up and running.

    If you think you might find it useful, have a look at the building site that is her shop. It's at Elegant Hats, Hat Hire & Retail Sales. (Powered by CubeCart)

    If you think it's for you, I can set you one up. You can pay me for it once the millions come rolling in. But not until then... call it small business startup perks. A bit like Mrs LB getting a good deal with her new business unit down the road coz she's just starting out.

    PM me if you'd rather.
    My Blog


    • Lugger lovely offer, what a kind gentleman you are!... take him up on it delta!
      When we love, we always strive to become better than we are.

      When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.

      Paulo Coelho


      • Wow thanks Lugger, I certainly will look into it.

        It's not so much a business, just a case of a hobby that I make a bit of money out of. I used to do loads of craft fairs with my dad, obviously long before I left home and had kids! Then I just sort of stopped, saw an advert for last year's craft fair and decided to dig it all out of the loft and sell it. (admittedly there wasn't as much as I thought, so had to make some more)

        Got addicted to beading again, stocked up on beads and off I went making loads of stuff. It's all one off stuff, or similar stuff but diff colours slightly diff styles sort of stuff, but I will have a look at that site a bit later (just upto my ear in beads/thread/glue/fasteners at the moment)

        You are a star!


        • Morning all, sorry I'm late on parade !

          My plans for today hmmmmm
          Work (luckily I work from home so not so bad eh) Finish 4ish today, then dinner.
          Get the ironing picked up.
          7pm a class at the gym, then a sauna, steam room and a swim. Oh happy days.

          In between all of that try to sort out the mess of the £53 k court claim we have against us (don't ask, all will be revealed once its all hopefully solved) I am very, very lucky and have Cetelco, Amethyst and a few of the other mods helping me big time with this, so I consider myself a very, very lucky girlie.



          • Oh, heck Sapphire. You do like to tease. How are we supposed to wait now that you have hinted at the Big Battle????????

            Is that Wendy I see lurking? Are you back from your hols yet????
            My Blog


            • Hi lugger
              yup wendy is back from her hol's, she was lurking on my natwest thread bless her.....trying to help me out, and stop me havin bl**dy kittens!! LOL
              as if pressure from the bank is'nt enough, the courts are at it now ....lol
              oh well onward and upward


              • LOL HOD, glad you found your kittie

                Sorry Tanz! they don't call it Sunny Devon for nothing I guess


                • Sorry Lugger its a bit complicated, but lets say its to do with my other half's old business, and personal guarantee for a business overdraft £30 k and now Nat West wan't the money back with interest etc £23 k so it all adds up to a grand total of £53 k. Like I say its quite complicated at the moment, but once its all sorted one way or another I promise I will post it all up for everyone to see, and hopefully there will be some helpful stuff on there as well.



                  • I'll have you know I do not lurk!! More of a lolling about...lurking always seems a bit of a pervy sort of expression lol.

                    Yes I'm back, had to wait till I got to work to get on here though cos BT seem to have chopped off my phone line!!
                    As we speak I'm on hold for natwest Collections, who seem to have cocked things up yet again, after telling me not to bother paying any money in under the arrangement cos they knew my charges were being refunded, so cancelled the arrangement, they've now sent a threatening letter muttering about defaults etc. Seems the left hand and the right hand are playing different games as usual....the chap is just reading through my notes while I'm on hold....I warned him this could take some time lol....
                    Is no longer here


                    • Hehe ok Wendy you can loll about in my thread as much as you like (and anywhere else for that matter)

                      hope your chappy get's it sorted for you, can't have you going without your FMB fix!!

                      managed to get my head together and put a letter together for the court....put it in my thread for inspection before I send it though lol


                      • Well got natwest sorted - sort of. Although he did intimate that if I get into a mess again and reclaim charges again they won't pay, and will demand immediate repayment of any debt to Natwest-including my mortgage!!!!! I couldn't be bothered to argue but its made me think twice about claiming the 108 quid i've been charged since putting my first claim in. Am still waiting for offer letter on second claim, phoned Borehamwood but their systems are down so can't find out any info.
                        Have just had a major arugment with soem bloke at Bt on the other side of the world and the upshot is I've had to pay to get my phone put back on, even though it was their fault in the first place!!!!!!
                        What a crap day i'm having!!!!
                        Is no longer here


                        • BT can be s**ts I've had run in's with them before!
                          never mind hun, get yerself a bottle of vino and come chill out in the FMB tonight


                          • Can't, I'm at work till 9.45. And had a bit too much vino at the curry house last night......
                            Is no longer here


                            • ah well, as eventful as ever on here.............. glad to see WendyB back from holidays. I bet the weather was a darn site better where youve been than here................ has done nothing but chuffing rain, rain, rain............ Im am so sick of the bl**dy rain.................. will it ever stop. Bloke next door has started hammering at all hours day and night, I got to thinking he was building THE ARK II, and he knew something I didnt, but it turns out hes building a new shed. Although why he has to hammer till the early hours is beyond me.........................had a polite word this morning and asked if he can stop around 11 at night on account of the kids have struggled to get to sleep last two nights................. men. Lol Lol xxx no thought for kids....... lol xxx

                              Well another hectic day. Been for my hair colouring, cuttiing, all in time for my jollies. Letter arrived today from Capital One explaining the breakdown of what they owe me. Im only 18 quid short, so throwing the towel in on that one once the cheque arrives and its banked and cleared, and theyve actually paid hubby £48 quid more than what they owe him. This is based on their calculations and not mind, so theyve paid him more. WHO THE HECK AM I TO COMPLAIN. So both accounts cleared, and cheque on the way to us for just under £2,500.00. LOVELY JUBBLY............. So to date, were at: £25.8K in last month, Lol Lol Lol Lol. Aghgghgghg, lovely................... that will do nicely. And nutwest have sent me letter today saying rest of my info going back to account inception is on its way, lol lol lol lol.......... yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay me. xxxx
                              Natwest Round 1 - Won £16,080 after 6 month battle :roll:
                              Abbey Round 1 - Won £5,580 after 5 month battle :okay:
                              Capital 1 Credit Card - Won £1230 in 2 months
                              Capital 1 Cred Card for Hubby - Won £1560 in 2 months :kiss:
                              Abbey MBNA Credit Card - Won £2210 in 3 months
                              Halifax Credit Card - Won £1680 in 2 months


                              Now Gunning for
                              Natwest round 2
                              Abbey Round 2
                              Yorkshire Bank round 1
                              A further £6000 to come back from above 3 when I win.:roll:


                              • kin ell Fendy well done on getting that info.......mind you... believe it when ya see eh


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