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  • Originally posted by enaid View Post
    Morning HOD,
    If you get one and she is cheap, let me know I'll get one for the OH!!!!!
    I think you can import them from Thailand...pmsl


    • They not cheap honest I've had a look and besides he thinks too much of his meat and two veg! He is not keen on foriegn food

      pmsl can't stop again, I'm going to have to give this hobby up, too much fun!!!!!!!!!!


      • Originally posted by PKea View Post
        I think you can import them from Thailand...pmsl
        My mind switched straight to 'Ting Tong' Noooooooo a scary moment, I will not be importing any Thai brides thanks, I will just have to get the Good Housewifes guide out for the Mrs to read again.

        Borrow money from a pessimist -- they don't expect it back.


        • [quote=enaid;15294]They not cheap honest I've had a look and besides he thinks too much of his meat and two veg! He is not keen on foriegn food


          I think you will find that many of these Thai brides have their own Meat and 2 veg.


          Ive gotta get some work done


          • Oooo blimey just had some good news come my way for a change!!!
            just had a call from the supermarket I applied for a job with, night shift.
            went for an interview on sat, they rang just now and offered me the job.......yay gonna have some pennies again


            • Well done Tempty, how many nights?


              • it's only 2 nights, Tue and sat! long shift though 10pm till 8 am but the money's not bad and it fit's in with hubby


                • It has to be done, you will get your kip in while the little en is at school, then on Sun while OH takes charge lol, he may even get into cooking Sun dinner. Chuffed for you anyway, may be the start of a very good week for you eh after the last few sh***y ones. Enaid x


                  • I do hope they give you a break tempty, so you can get your fix of FMB.
                    We don't want you getting withdrawal symptoms!
                    Borrow money from a pessimist -- they don't expect it back.


                    • Oh I do hope so Enaid, not the greatest job in the world... I know that but I havent worked for the last year as we don't have family around to help out with the kids. I've been going a bit stir crazy being at home all the time, so at least it get's meout the house for a bit, some new faces to talk to and give us a bit more free cash at the end of each month
                      might even be able to take the kiddes out once an awhile durring the holiday's so yeah I'm stoked really


                      • congrats tempty
                        When we love, we always strive to become better than we are.

                        When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.

                        Paulo Coelho


                        • oh don't worry HOD I'm sure I'll still my FMB fix, can't survive without that lol


                          • thanks mocha hun


                            • Hi Mocha, you ok?
                              Tempty some of them stores you get discount, I did with Morrisons, not on food but household stuff, it all helps


                              • good thanks enaid... house hunting....

                                hows you?
                                When we love, we always strive to become better than we are.

                                When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.

                                Paulo Coelho


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