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  • hotdogs sounds good, son number 1 has just phoned home and is staying at his friends house, so just li'l un to please..... looks like it could be a curry for an hubby later....... deffinatly if the car get's sold LOL


    • grrrrr I hate it when people are late lol
      no patience me!! bloke for the car said he'd be here by 6, just spent the entire afternoon washing and polishing the damn thing so he better turn up!!

      Hmmmm PKea roast chicken.....sounds good..... but only if someone else makes it......I can't be bothered tonight LOL


      • I just gave my kids hotdogs! must be a LB Saturday thing, OH is tucking into a bowl of Chicken soup, gonna have to find something for me cos I is starving


        • hehe Delta, I'm still holdint out for this bloke to turn up, want me a curry.....only gonna happen if he buy's though! coz I'm broke LOL


          • I might have to grab a piece of toast in a min though...... stomach thinks me throat's been cut I think


            • People being late, don't go there I hate it! I went to the docs for a jab on Thurs appointment 10.30 arrived 10.20 still sat there at 11.25 I am seething, go to receptionist "why am I still here?" running behind she says.
              Like I have nothing else to do only sit in the waiting room doh anyway got jab does no good don't know why I bother, nearly got done for killing a receptionist in any case


              • hehe oh don't even start me off on the doc's!! day after the accident, hubby an I can hardly move... managed to drive the car down to the surgery...parked in a 1 hour waiting zone...... hour and twenty mins still sat in waiting room..... get back to car.....ticket!!...... BU**ER. another £30 quid I did'nt have to start with ... oh well


                • It gets me so worked up, when tis they that have made the appointment, i know they only allow so long for each patient but how do they get that far behind, especially when at our surgery they have a big sign up saying how many haven't turned up pmsl


                  • pmsl yup I'm right there with you on that one...... hospitals....... now they reeeeeeeally annoy me. sat allmost for an entire day with hubby after he'd broken his ankle...... in the waiting room........ no support for the ankle no way of putting it up.......and no pain relief......... was like spending 5 hours locked in a cage with an angry bear with toothache pmsl


                    • And when we go mad we are in the wrong, all I ask is an explanation or at the very least an update, they think if they ignore you, you will either go away or say nothing, not me, sorry I go mad


                      • I hate call centres in India or timbucktoo and the staff who dont have a clue


                        • me too but what else do we have?


                          • Ok sorry about disappearing, but we had a phone call from him's mum, she had done summat to the car, so we went over to help out, and it seems the immobiliser has reset itself or the chip has wiped or summat, anyway the immobiliser wont work so the car aint moving.

                            So me and her nipped to Tesco as you do (in our car), came back to find him with a damaged nose, seems he was poking about under the dash and the airbag deployed in his face, so he's been hit in the face with the bit off the steering wheel, and the force of the airbag has possibly given him whiplash!

                            So have just given him some pain killers, he's phoned work to tell them that he may not be in tomorrow and they have suggested that he goes to A&E, he don't want to do that (not at this time on a Sat night, we'll still be there next week!), anyway gonna see how he gets on, if needs must then I get a driving lesson!

                            Gotta go see to him, need to get him to bed.

                            Night all


                            • FFS only a fella could that............and am sorry but i was killing myself with laughter when me read it


                              • Morning all,
                                Delta I too am sorry but it made me laugh as well, hope he is ok though.
                                I bet he had a quick look round though to see if any one had seen it!
                                Caught the end of that concert on BBC, Maddona was amazing in my opinion and I am not a fan at all.
                                Weather not lookong too bad at the mo, please lets have a bit of sunshine today, so fed up of being wet and windy and that's just me


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