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  • Russ there are other ways to pay I think - wan tme to find out for you, I'd hate to think you were being depraved, oops I mean deprived


    • Just wondering if anyones heard of a company in Switzerland 'IMS'. Just had a call re investing in shares, the bloke was lovely but I'm always skeptical, perhaps you know of somewhere similar to 'companies house' where I can find swiss based co's? Can invest some moolah there perhaps...



      • If I phone you will you invest some in my direction please?


        • FREE MONEY HERE!!!

          Wish I had it to give away! Just I won off natwest - £3,400 in total - but I know it'll dissappear in my ever-dwindling account. Ideas anyone? Is there a retired dog trust? A 'help the aged fish' charity? Perhaps a pussycat-mad half-hour-research-society?


          • Theres the PKea Alcohol Appreciation Society always needs funds


            • Help Delta pay her mortgage fund?


              • Originally posted by nuddy View Post
                Just wondering if anyones heard of a company in Switzerland 'IMS'. Just had a call re investing in shares, the bloke was lovely but I'm always skeptical, perhaps you know of somewhere similar to 'companies house' where I can find swiss based co's? Can invest some moolah there perhaps...

                And why would you trust a company that has to phone around offering shares?

                Sorry to burst the bubble, but this type of scam is all too common. Last folks that tried it with me were from Canada. Nigerian sounding Canadians? Hmmmm.
                My Blog


                • Originally posted by veilside01702 View Post
                  Hi all......can't see the post....as I can't sign up for VIP......
                  Due to somebody hacking my paypal and stealing all my bank details......
                  Now I am outta pocket for £400......AAARRRGGGHHH
                  All I needed.....
                  Oh....a friend has just done her first gig.....she has a myspace recording of a few songs...
                  Thought you might like to have a look and let me know what you guys think??
                  House by the sea. How appropriate.
                  My Blog


                  • Hi peeps, is everyone ok this bright sunny day in Essex :rolleyes: Nuddy don't trust these calls at all hun, Luggerbugs is perfectly right, this is yet another scam hun.

                    Oooooooh Lugger and how is my favourite sailor



                    • Ok guys, this is it, I am taking advantage of the break in raindrops (raindrops???? it's been flamin stairrods here today!) and running downhill to the post office, hmm guess I had better himself something for his butties tomorrow while I am out, can't be doing with thinking at 5am!

                      If I am not back in an hour send out the lifeboats, (well I am going downhill, and the centre of our 'town' is next to a river)


                      • I'ms back, and it didnt drop one little raindrop the whole time I was out.


                        • Dry Delta. All sunny in Aberdeenshire now too. Looks like a swell building on the water though. Bad weather coming I think.

                          And Sapphire, somehow the sea looks a lot better from my top room than it does when I'm floating on the stuff.
                          My Blog


                          • is it me or is it getting busier on here?
                            I have only been gone just over 4 hrs and it took me 30 mins to catch up. I like it I like it a lot and so happy for those involved. Enaid x


                            • Well I emailed a guy from another forum today that is having a bit of trouble with the council and his council tax. Was getting a bit of stick on the other forum (not a money related forum), so I sent him an email and directed him over here, telling him that people can help and guide and won't judge him or his situation.


                              • Hi all....... abscess gone thankfully, just got back from holiday, loads of damp clothes to sort out and definately no sun-tan... but! I have just sat in the garden for a bacardi and typically it is a beautiful evening, why oh why couldn't it have been like this during the week... £520 we spent on a caravan, all the trimmings with the most fantastic sea view, and four of us spent the evenings cooped up indoors hearing the rain on the roof!

                                Anyway. what have I missed in the last week? Anyone had any wins?


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