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  • Originally posted by enaid View Post
    Hello Nick not ignoring you love just having a rant, did you get your windows sorted pmsl Enaid x
    Hey hun, good to be back. i now need to work out from the new nicknames who i know!! Not gonna be easy!! Hopefully some will pm me to remind me!!

    which windows? remind me.. my pc windows or my flat windows?? lol x


    • morning Standing
      how you feeling today hun?


      • It makes me so angry and I'm afraid i will end up a very bitter and twisted old lady, I used to think my gran was awful going on about what others got away with etc. I now know where she was coming from and how right she was.


        • lol Nick, well I'll put yer mind at rest with me....... nope don't think we know each other...... hang around in here long enough though and i'm sure you will eventually


          • Hiya Tempty..... feeling slightly better, still swollen, got a nasty taste in my mouth, but have only taken 2 ibuprofens today and I have been awake since 6am, so on the mend I think..... its only day 3 of the antibiotics, so I suppose today should see an improvement.. Just about to try and phone Abbey again, that'll cheer me up if its good news !


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              • Originally posted by enaid View Post
                It makes me so angry and I'm afraid i will end up a very bitter and twisted old lady, I used to think my gran was awful going on about what others got away with etc. I now know where she was coming from and how right she was.

                Lol enaid I know what you mean hun, trouble is although these things windme up something cronnic sometimes.... I can never stay angry for long!

                think I devlouped a kinda worry about the s**t you can change, and forget about the s**t you can't philosophy a long time ago.... probably no bad thing


                • Originally posted by standingupformyself View Post
                  Hiya Tempty..... feeling slightly better, still swollen, got a nasty taste in my mouth, but have only taken 2 ibuprofens today and I have been awake since 6am, so on the mend I think..... its only day 3 of the antibiotics, so I suppose today should see an improvement.. Just about to try and phone Abbey again, that'll cheer me up if its good news !

                  I'll keep me fingers crossed that it is then, glad to see you're on the mend


                  • As for work though enaid..... that yer can change..... feel angry, very angry....then let em have it !!

                    I'll come an run em over for ya if you like LOL bike needs a respray after I chucked it on the floor anyway pmsl.


                    • computer systems still down


                      • Well just spoke to boss, he is going to ring personel and see why i havent been paid, told him I need to know today or not coming back in.
                        The thing is now if they put it on my next months wage I will pay N.I and the Invalid Care allowance will spot this and may take my money from me as they have done before.


                        • Originally posted by standingupformyself View Post
                          computer systems still down
                          That is not helping is it? did mistie get back to you about her letter she said it may be the same wording as yours.


                          • No.... I think I have missed a reply from Mistie.... gonna look for it


                            • It's never easy hun when you got to try an balance a job while on benefits, everything has to run like clockwork or the whole thing get's messed up. I know exactly what you mean. been there and done that myself. I hope personel can sort it for you hun


                              • right I'll be here but not..... if ya know what I mean for a bit. that mountain of ironing I've been desperalty trying to ignore is starting to shout!...... that and the fact that I got out of the bath thismorning and realised I simply have nothing to wear pmsl. I'm currently sat here in my dressing gown......... gosh what will the neighbours think lol


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