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  • well no news is good news,
    Technology eh! more suspenders, will my ticker take much more of this? oh yes i think so


    • I'm here now, hope you are all ok today ! What time is veil in court, wish i'd known i would have gone with him (a bit of support eh). Fendy gone shopping, standing still taking the antibiotics and making calls, happy (liam) is the same as usual which is very good, enaid still on the sauce and squidge still watching and waiting to come in. Come on in squidge and join our happy family.



      • hello & good morning peeps... so what have i missed? Instead of going through all the posts on this thread (how many??) ... anyone happy to give me a brief overview? :rolleyes:


        • Originally posted by Nick 37 (Latto) View Post
          hello & good morning peeps... so what have i missed? Instead of going through all the posts on this thread (how many??) ... anyone happy to give me a brief overview? :rolleyes:
          Hiya Nick
          follow this link to the welcome forum and introduce yourself, I know I have seen that face before. So you know the ropes.people will give you a warm welcome in there.

          Best wishes,
          Borrow money from a pessimist -- they don't expect it back.


          • Hiya, is this the Nick that goes to sea a lot hmmmm I wonder if it is.



            • Well that time I had off work last month, first off in nearly 8 years the robbing b's think they don't have to pay me, well if they don't I'll be unemployed. I'm bloody fuming


              • Originally posted by Happyolddog View Post
                Hiya Nick
                follow this link to the welcome forum and introduce yourself, I know I have seen that face before. So you know the ropes.people will give you a warm welcome in there.

                Best wishes,

                Hello HOD, yea, it is me from the 'other side'! used same avater to help remind peeps its me. Fendy & Mochamoo told me, via myspace, to come & join this site.. so here i am.

                Yea, i'll go introduce myself shortly. At work at mo so gotta be careful not to get catch on 'tinternet!!


                • Hi nick, welcome to the site


                  • Enaid hun, go chuck a rumncoke at em....or just beat em over the head with the bottle prehaps??


                    • Originally posted by sapphire View Post
                      Hiya, is this the Nick that goes to sea a lot hmmmm I wonder if it is.

                      hmmm... not sure if i know what u mean is what u mean, sapphire!! lol. seriously, i am not sure... I didn't go to sea, i'm not in the navy!, lol, nor got a boat... i dont like the sea or horses!! it that what u were asking? hehhe.. probably confused you know. :rolleyes:


                      • I won't be going near em if I don't get me dosh back today. I am supposed to be on a course tomorrow but they can, shove that where the sun don't shine.
                        What P****s me off the ones that do the thieving they lay them off on full pay while they investigate.


                        • Hello Nick not ignoring you love just having a rant, did you get your windows sorted pmsl Enaid x


                          • Originally posted by Tempty View Post
                            Hi nick, welcome to the site

                            thanks Tempty


                            • I know what you mean Enaid.... sometimes it almost feels as though being a person, not breaking the rules and just generally abiding by the law, will end up with only getting you peinilised and broke..... makes me mad sometimes...... and yet god forbid people like us actually do make a minor mistake.......... they'll throw the book at us!!!!.


                              • Sorry I'm having a rant too, bl**dy mobile phone companies chasing me again....... lol got 2 of em on the go now!!! enaid think I may need to share a few rumncokes with you later


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