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  • So what comes after Golden Retriever? scary


    • Originally posted by enaid View Post
      Standing suckit for gods sake yer rich
      Oh darling, if only........ its just a debt that has now been wiped... however I do feel like a millionare this evening... xxxxxx


      • Oooo I'm still a border collie ...... must post more........must post more LOL


        • Hmmmm enaid now I really a naughty little fairy pmsl


          • Originally posted by standingupformyself View Post
            Oh darling, if only........ its just a debt that has now been wiped... however I do feel like a millionare this evening... xxxxxx
            I know if you owe nowt you are rich and don't forget it!!


            • Standing hun get some alcihol down yer neck, make you forget about yer pain....... and the pain will make you forget the hang over in the morning ..... win win situation LOL


              • You are so naughty Tempty I don't know where you have come from pmsl
                So glad you have seen the light!


                • I've learned from the best enaid


                  • Have I missed a year on here or what? they are all full time bloody bank kaillers and vamps. pmsl rofl


                    • hehe never mind hun, pour yerself another rumncoke and don't worry about it rotfl


                      • I want to be a Vamp!!!!!!!!!!!


                        • I swear I'm gonna cut the bl**dy internet cable on hubbies pc in min.....Oh balls..... can't....... it's wireless!!! LOL

                          he's driving me nut's looking for a new car....... daft so in so keeps showing me lot's of lovley cars........ we can't afford!!!!! AAAARRGGGHHHH


                          • oooo enaid yer going all dark and mysterious on us too?

                            yay go for it girl LOL


                            • I like my new vampy fairy, the skull is natwest LOL


                              • I think I scared everybody off with my new vampy look enaid


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