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  • Morning All,
    Bit naff outside today, was going to do a spot of gardening as well, what a shame.
    I've got a pint of vimto and it's just come on advertising this morning about a woman drinking her own pea to cure an illness, feeling a a tad sick now.


    • morning saph and enaid
      RBS £2,336.31p *Settled* - RBS £104 *Settled* - Cap One *Settled by default* - A&L - In Progress

      `All advise offered by myself is from my own personnel experience and not from professional experience, if in doubt seek advise from a qualified professional!`

      `Emotions are like your mothers breasts, you know where they are but best left unfelt!`


      • Hello koen, jeez that's a hard one for me to spell forgive me if I end up calling you ken.


        • pmsl, just as long as you dont add sad as a prefix hehe (sorry its a bottom joke, not many ppl will get it)
          RBS £2,336.31p *Settled* - RBS £104 *Settled* - Cap One *Settled by default* - A&L - In Progress

          `All advise offered by myself is from my own personnel experience and not from professional experience, if in doubt seek advise from a qualified professional!`

          `Emotions are like your mothers breasts, you know where they are but best left unfelt!`


          • See you are into the young ens etc, I think my lad has Bottom videos somewhere. I get mixed up with them all, I do know they are funny though.


            • they are, funny as anything, when i grow up i wanna be just like eddie lol, the dangerous brothers was as funny as anything, remember getting me first tattoo and the artist had it in, was dying not to laugh...ahhh great days!

              anyhoo, i hope you are well?
              RBS £2,336.31p *Settled* - RBS £104 *Settled* - Cap One *Settled by default* - A&L - In Progress

              `All advise offered by myself is from my own personnel experience and not from professional experience, if in doubt seek advise from a qualified professional!`

              `Emotions are like your mothers breasts, you know where they are but best left unfelt!`


              • I am well as to be expected after a little bit of rumncoke. lol.thank you.
                We have another adventure on here today veilside is going to court, so we will be waiting the outcome of that, just glad we don't have capital punishment anymore well not for him anyway.


                • *****GOOD MORNING*****
                  Borrow money from a pessimist -- they don't expect it back.


                  • Hello Happy, are you ok?


                    • I meant to ask last night but I probably would have forgot anyway What is a Webmaster?


                      • hiya Di,

                        Yes thank you hun, I am fine thanks............How are you?

                        Best wishes,
                        Borrow money from a pessimist -- they don't expect it back.


                        • court? would this be bank related or criminal prosecution lol?
                          RBS £2,336.31p *Settled* - RBS £104 *Settled* - Cap One *Settled by default* - A&L - In Progress

                          `All advise offered by myself is from my own personnel experience and not from professional experience, if in doubt seek advise from a qualified professional!`

                          `Emotions are like your mothers breasts, you know where they are but best left unfelt!`


                          • hey happy
                            RBS £2,336.31p *Settled* - RBS £104 *Settled* - Cap One *Settled by default* - A&L - In Progress

                            `All advise offered by myself is from my own personnel experience and not from professional experience, if in doubt seek advise from a qualified professional!`

                            `Emotions are like your mothers breasts, you know where they are but best left unfelt!`


                            • Bank, he has settled his claim and is going for wasted costs, the judge still wants to see him though were all hoping the judge is femail and fancies him rofl


                              • Good morning good peeps, hello to Veilside on your big day xx let us know the good news as soon as will ya? can't stand the suspenders!!!


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