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  • I would'nt know....typically it's apparently been a glorious hot day here... and I've been stuck in all day lol


    • Originally posted by enaid View Post
      So Lugger, are you not telling us why she rang you, I presume it weren't for a date, or is it top secret?
      She just wants to know if we can come to an amicable agreement about me buying their domain name.

      I'd rather come to an amorous arrangement, by the sounds of her.
      My Blog


      • You are so naughty, but I know which one of the two you will plump for!
        I don't understand all that domain name thingy, i know it's important to you and your dealings with cabot.
        best not try and explain it to me yet either, just hope if it's what you need on your quest you get it and it serves you well Enaid


        • You could always make her an offer.......I'd miss the full and final settlement bit tho' if I were you!


          • Lugger, where do you live? I like the webcam view.
            "Although scalar fields are Lorentz scalars, they may transform nontrivially under other symmetries, such as flavour or isospin. For example, the pion is invariant under the restricted Lorentz group, but is an isospin triplet (meaning it transforms like a three component vector under the SU(2) isospin symmetry). Furthermore, it picks up a negative phase under parity inversion, so it transforms nontrivially under the full Lorentz group; such particles are called pseudoscalar rather than scalar. Most mesons are pseudoscalar particles." (finally explained to a captivated Celestine by Professor Brian Cox on Wednesday 27th June 2012 )

            I am proud to have co-founded LegalBeagles in 2007

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            • It's a wee village about 30 miles north of Aberdeen. I've moved me lappy downstairs again, so I'm afraid the view is stuck on sometime this afternoon.
              My Blog


              • Till still a loverly view chuck!!!!!!!
                So are you right near the top of Scotland or a good way off, is Inverness further up?


                • Inverness is way up. We're out on the north east corner of Scotland. In fact, the lighthouse you see in the cam is the most easterly point in Scotland.
                  My Blog


                  • Good Morning one and all,
                    Tis looking good for a drop of sunshine for a change, how nice, I've stripped the beds so it best keep up till i get it all dry.
                    Will have to get tidied up for Social Worker or what ever visit this afternoon, be glad when that's over, hope I can keep me cool!!!!!:rolleyes:
                    Nothing else happening except I think I may have had a drop too much last night, but I feel ok so that's a blessing.


                    • Morning all

                      It's a badun today, today is the day that marks my 6 week breakdown, yep today is the day the kids finish for the summer holiday.

                      I need coffee.........................


                      • Just on school run meself after 20 yrs:rolleyes: see yer later


                        • morning all
                          tiss beautifull sunshine here this morning
                          all was going well...kids off to school....washing done...went to hang it on the line....and discovered tragedy in the garden!!!
                          my boy's bunny.... we have 3.... and of course it has to be his favorite...is currently lying dead in his hutch

                          the boy will be devastated when he get's home from school today
                          I've got no where to bury him....... (the bunny that is) ....oh bollox
                          not entirely sure what I'm gonna do about it yet...... looks like he died peacfully though.... i thought he was asleep at first! he was a rescue so no idea how old he was... think that's the tact I'm gonna have to take when the boy comes home....... oh poo it looked like it was going to be a good day till i discovered this


                          • Morning all, its beautiful blue skies here and bright sunshine yet again oh happy days :banana:
                            Oh Tempty sorry to hear about the bunny hun, at least it had a good life with you and a peaceful passing. Not ripped apart by some horrid fox or something.
                            Enaid I hope it goes ok with the social worker, just think of him or her as a complete prat etc and keep smiling, wait till he/she has gone before you go bonkers hun.
                            Delta sounds like you need more than coffee, the kids round here break up tomorrow and the only good thing about it, is the traffic will be less around here and we will be able to get in and out of our close at last. Yesterday the school had something going on and the roads were packed both sides with cars parked up, they even park across our drive, the other half had to stop me smearing the bloody car with mud i was so angry. Anyway have sent an extremely naughty email to the head of the school, asking nay telling him/her to send all parents a letter about parking and consideration for the neighbouring area.
                            Luggerbugs, don't leave us in suspense hun what happened in the conversation with the solicitor then, please tell all, word for word, blow by blow, lol.
                            Ok rant over.



                            • morning Sapphire
                              must admit I've allways felt sorry for those living in school areas, it's a nightmare around both my boy's schools..... people don't have any consideration for anyone while they're dropping off or picking up their kids... ive had a go at more then a few who think it's perfectly fine to park on the wavey yellow lines by the crossings at both entrances to my youngest's school!!!! don't they bloody think!!! Grrr it does make me so cross!! we had a little girl knocked over 2 yrs back because of prats parking there.... letters were sent out... but they still do it!


                              • Morning all

                                lovely sunny day here, been down the stables, got to work late, have now had a cup of coffee and some toast with lovely unhealthy best butter, read yesterdays paper, night start on todays in a bit, now I've got rid of one of the directors who came in, I'm all on my own again. Still got loads to do so am gonna try to ban myself from the internet till lunchtime.

                                Weather report says storms and possible flooding later....but I live on a hill so not too worried about that at the moment...and besides, the weather reports are always wrong!
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