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  • No Enaid i'm in Essex and it georgeous here in Gods chosen land :banana:



    • Fed up now stuck in the middle, well just have to make the most of what we got. Don't know why I said that, I am really peed off with the weather now.


      • I blame the hippies and the enviroMENTALists, it's their fault, if they hadn't have been banging on about how hot and sunny it was going to be then this wouldn't have happened.

        I want my summer back, I want to see some sun and blue skies, I want to go out and turn into a lobster and not a fish!



        • Have you lot not got used to the new english seasons brought in by the labour party?:

          Winter, spring, summer, winter, winter, winter, summer, autumn, summer, winter.

          So we have 2 more summers to look forward to, looking at my labour party calendar, they are the first two weeks in September and two weeks in the middle of October.

          Get your time off work booked now!!!!

          Scotland are excluded due to devolution, they now have one day of summer, that is 21st July I believe, oh and anyone from Essex apparently thinks if its not dark it must be sunny!


          • pmsl, I understand it now ho ho ho


            • Pups is perhaps stretching it a bit Sapphire. They're 1 and 2 year old sh1t soo's. (No, ot a spelling mistake. )

              Here's a pic of the youngest.
              My Blog


              • Love that, what a cheeky little lugger he looks lol
                not keen on the toy, looks a bit like someone of cag lol, can't remember who!!!!!!!!


                • pmsl enaid, the eyes look familiar too!!!

                  Gorgeous Lugger, want 2 Irish Setters to keep them company?


                  • Hmmm. BRB.
                    My Blog


                    • BOO HOO, Haydock is definately off, that's me night out knackered, Hot Chocolate were supposed to be on after the racing as well. Not a great fan, but after a few rumncokes everyone sounds great to me lol.


                      • HOORAH!!! New avatar.
                        My Blog


                        • TWO Irish setters?

                          Reminds me of the joke about tree fellers wanted.

                          Paddy says to Mick, "Dat's us out den. Dere's only two of us."
                          My Blog


                          • Grosse,
                            What is it?
                            Looks like a one eyed brain, with a big yeller zit on his ass, I knew, I knew him lol


                            • It's Scamp's favourite squeaky toy. I haven't a scooby what it's supposed to be.
                              My Blog


                              • All that build up over Becham in LA, he has a sore ankle now (shame)and might not play. What a load of absolute B******S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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