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  • Little finger?
    Last edited by RLJ; 21st July 2007, 11:28:AM.


    • Why you edited, silly billy?
      Anyway talking of little finger, I am going to stick mine in a glass very soon, go half way up it with rum and top up with coke. So ner, tis dark and dismal, my night out has been cancelled so I'm going to make a day of it.
      Just be wary later on, I go a bit doolally sometimes pmsl


      • just thought i was being a bit rude. Sorry!


        • I'm no prude chuck like a good titter, would take quite a lot to upset me, but whooooooo betide you if you do lol


          • Originally posted by iancognito View Post
            You ain't seen me running mate, only running i do is the hot water for a bath!

            That is the OH trying to escape!!!!
            And here was me thinking you were the one keeping him company.

            That makes me feel slightly better. No fitness freaks allowed in this thread!!!!!


            Except for aerobic bananas, that is.
            My Blog


            • glad to see people prefer bigger than 10 girls! im a 12 but plenty of shape to me i dont look like a boy!!


              • I hope Russ don't see that post Arch, you might get stalked lol


                • lol im too old for him anyway enaid!!
                  lol he could see what i look like if he goes on that my space thingy he did b4 to see my grannyness for himself!!


                  • OK, who's got a recipe for fish pie.

                    It's all gone horribly wrong. I don't think it's supposed to be all watery before I put the tatties on top, is it?
                    My Blog


                    • lol disaster in the kitchen huh,
                      well i guess he must ave sorted it....either that or resorted to the chippy coz he's not here ...lol


                      • feels very empty in my house right now, kids have gone...hope they don't get too wet LOL
                        My daft so-in-so of a brother taken em camping!! he could'nt get the caravan he was after so on the way down they bought another tent....grt big thing (bet he's still trying to put it up now pmsl) The guy in the store told im it was gurenteed NOT to leak..... we shall see


                        • hello birfday girl I see ya hiding down there


                          • oh dear something i said??
                            everyone gone and run away......do i smell?.......lol


                            • Change the shower gel, Tempty.

                              YAYYYY!!!! (Well, Fendy isn't here so somebody has to say it occasionally).

                              By the time I'd got the tatties boiled and mashed, and the cheese grated, it had all firmed up. And stayed nice and firm after it came back out the oven with its tasty tattie topping.

                              I'm stuffed.
                              My Blog


                              • so no disaster after all then
                                glad to hear it... I love fish pie.... trouble is no one else in the family does... so I don't bother making it just for me....spose I could buy one, but I'm not a great lover of ready meals


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