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  • And wothisface from Chelsea says that if Beckham plays then they will let him score a goal..... awwwww bless.

    he's on the other side of the fecking pond, why oh why do we have to still keep hearing about him and his waste of space wife?


    • ere ere Delta they get on my t***s as well and if you think I am jealous you are so wrong.
      I can not and will not ever comprehend the wages that footballers and other so called sports people earn. As for so called pop stars well...........


      • Ah but I have got tree fellas Lugger (welll 2 fellas and a girle)

        But I wouldn't part with my raggydog (on the left) for the world.

        The one in the middle isn't actually related to the other 3 btw


        • Awww, absolutely gorgeous doggies. You must spend all your time with a brush in your hand to keep their coats gleaming.

          Just one question. Where do YOU all sit?
          My Blog


          • They are gorgeous and I see they know their place pmsl.
            The little odd one out what is his story then?
            You don't see many red setters about now, not round my way anyway, I know they never grow up and are said to be a bit dippy. Suppose it's a fashion thing again, but all the better for the breed imho.


            • Originally posted by Delta View Post
              And wothisface from Chelsea says that if Beckham plays then they will let him score a goal..... awwwww bless.

              he's on the other side of the fecking pond, why oh why do we have to still keep hearing about him and his waste of space wife?
              Waste of space UGLY wife.

              Or am I the only one that think's she's a skinny bow wow?
              My Blog


              • Lugger i do like a man who appreciates a bit of meat on a woman, it makes me fel very special ROFL


                • Not ugly.....the word you want is FUGLY


                  • The little one is 17 now, she's seen out 2 previous setters, she came from a neighbour of ours after we lost 2 dogs in quick succession, these 3 are rescue dogs, the older one had a bad time before he came to us, we've had him about 4 years, the two 'pups' came to us from a one bedroomed flat in Glasgow via a kennel in Yorkshire.

                    No you don't see too many around but still too many go to rescue, exactly because they are lively and dippy, people think they look nice but don't realise how much exercise they need and so when they chew the antique furniture through frustration, out they go.

                    Rescue Scheme

                    Thats my big fella, on the homepage


                    • That is so nice Jan, they are all so lovely. I have a staffie from rescue, so I send a donation every anniversary and every xmas. That has I'm afraid to be the limit of my involvement, I can't bear to see how many need new homes and how some have been treated.


                      • Ours that we have now aren't rescue dogs, but our old girl Spot that we lost a couple of years ago was. We got her from the USPCA shelter near Belfast cos Anneka Rice tarted it up on that Challenge Anneka program about 15 years ago. Mrs LB of course had to go and see the little dooggies, only to look of course, and we ended up with our Spot. Who was supposed to have been a jack russell, but proved later that there were other breeds in there too.

                        I miss her.
                        My Blog


                        • Blimmey you lot can natter
                          just taken me 15 mins to catch up...dunno why but this forum allways takes me to where I left off last.

                          weather is c**p here too, started out beautifull but is deffinatly getting ready to piddle down any min...... sky is almost black... have heard thunder in the distance too....ooo yipeee..lol
                          have been trying to get the kids organised all morning........my brother has lost the plot......rang me last night to confirm they were coming to get the kids!!! I think he has been trying to reserve a caravan instead of tents....dunno if he managed it though....Nutter i tell ya. Guess I'll find out when he get's here...... should get here around 2 ish, then they got another 3 hours drive down into Cornwall!


                          • Originally posted by veilside01702 View Post

                            The bloody things are breeding.......help....nuddy.........
                            get them under control.......lol
                            Hi all.......
                            How is everyone doing???
                            HELP, I'VE WOKEN UP AND THERE ARE NUDDY'S EVERYWHERE !


                            • Originally posted by sapphire View Post
                              No Enaid i'm in Essex and it georgeous here in Gods chosen land :banana:


                              I'm supposedly in the Garden of England - bloody dull and dingy garden if you ask me, no sun whatsoever. Someone set the sprinklers off.


                              • hehe oooh eck makes me eyes go all squiffy that does....LOL


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