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FMB Fanclub

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  • Re: FMB Fanclub

    Hi guys

    Sorry I haven't been round, its been one of them weeks!

    Tuesday we went to the World of Glass Museum in St Helens, it was very good and I recommend it as a day out.

    Thursday we went for a drive upto Lancaster via the back roads, the sun was out and it was a really beautiful day.

    Friday was Bury market and work.

    Yesterday we spent the day at the Airport pub at Manchester Airport with some friends, it was grey and gloomy all day and managed to come home with a burnt face!

    Today was at the ex mother in law's, so she could see the kids, and I am totally pooped now.


    • Re: FMB Fanclub

      A week and a half that Delta, lol. Nearly there now with the jollies only a couple more weeks isn't it?
      We went to Morecombe on Sat, blimey it has gone down hill since last time we were there. It's worse than Blackpool now and totally dead.


      • Re: FMB Fanclub

        Weeeeee, one week left with the skule jollidays! they go back a week on Tuesday.

        Got them all at the dentist this coming Tuesday, I have to stay home to wait for delivery of my shiny new tumble dryer.


        • Re: FMB Fanclub

          Just popping in to remind meself you lot exist. Blazing hot sunshine out here in the Gulf of Mexico.
          My Blog


          • Re: FMB Fanclub

            Originally posted by LuggerBugs View Post
            . Blazing hot sunshine out here in the Gulf of Mexico.
            I hope you get sunburn..llol

            Send the bloody sun back over here, Its Bank Holiday Monday tomorrow. IT should be over my house


            • Re: FMB Fanclub

              Hi Lugger,
              Hope you are well.
              Gulf of Mexico eh sounds rather boring lol
              Not much happening over here at the mo, someone has been tweaking the site, spose you noticed that already though.
              Delta that soon passed, only seems like a minute a go all you mums with school kids were dreading the hols, now they are nearly over lol.


              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                Originally posted by enaid View Post
                Hi Lugger,
                someone has been tweaking the site, .

                Tweaking ??

                Thats one way of putting it...lol


                • Re: FMB Fanclub

                  GoM IS boring. Sea is sea, even if the sky is bluer and sunnier.

                  What's the tweaking that's been going on? All looks the same to me.
                  My Blog


                  • Re: FMB Fanclub

                    Morning, Tis Bank Holiday Monday lol, big deal lol.
                    Suppose you lot are all having a lie in, well I don't blame you.
                    The reason I am on here this early today i one I am always up early.
                    The other reason being, every time I opened my mouth on here yesterday I got booted. If there is a conspiracy just say so lol, but you won't get rid of me that easy lol.
                    Lugger, have you not noticed the header? looks a lot better now, well in my opinion anyway. Typical man has to be told and shown everything.
                    Don't know what's happening today as the rest of the herd have not risen yet lol, one thing's for sure I am going somewhere.
                    See you later lol.


                    • Re: FMB Fanclub

                      morning all,
                      the sun is shining looks like another beautiful day, kids have disappeared (gone to friends) Hubby has abandoned me (for the morning anyway) and gone out on his dirtbike so I'm having a nice relaxing morning
                      hubby has promised a nice pub lunch when he gets back later so should be a nice day all round. Have fun everybody
                      see you all alter


                      • Re: FMB Fanclub

                        god the suns gone! its chilly and dull! what on earth happened! i got sunburn yesterday amd ive got goosebumps today!
                        yay one more week to go!! then its back to school for the oldest one and then a week later and itll be soooooo quiet again!! my after school holidays resolution is to walk more to get rid of some of the fat ! poor dog... she will be proper muscley by the time its xmas !! people will be running scared....


                        • Re: FMB Fanclub

                          god the internet is playing up! i cant get on the usual sites i go on apart from this one!!!
                          enaid u poor thing ,were they kicking you yesterday? never mind you can get them all back today no doubt!


                          • Re: FMB Fanclub

                            Hello all,
                            Had another lovely ride out today, went up to Buxton, Derbyshire and the Peak District. Tis a truly lovely place but have never seen so many hills lol. Every other person had a rucksack on and big boots, they sure looked healthy though.
                            So the next adventure is the East coast Bridlington etc, see what they have to offer. Tell you what though the fresh air knackers you up, along with the lovely fish and chip dinner we had.
                            Just having a cocktail or six then I may nod off. Enaid xx


                            • Re: FMB Fanclub

                              enaid sounds great i wish i had somewhere like that to drive to nearby...... just pollution and noise here!!


                              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                                Morning All,
                                Archer I can walk to some lovely countryside a few hundred yards from our house. Fact is I dion't realise how lucky we are until we drive through other parts of the country. As I said the other day how dissapointed I was with Morecombe, as it was only a few years ago we found it lovely. I think poor Eric (Morecombe) would turn in his grave if he saw it now.
                                LOL I am turning in to a regular Judith Charmers aren't I,? Telling you lot or the few that reads this, what I think of places. Take no notice, I love a good ramble (but not the walking kind lol).
                                Think a holiday thread may be a good idea anyway. The cost of a family holiday is that high now, any tips or advice on how to save money would be welcome. Also peoples opinions and ups and downs of places. Take Gobby in Cuba with 5 kids, she must have every aspect of a family holiday in one package for us lol.


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