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  • Lol fendy
    I'd send him one a week.......just to reeeeeeeealy rub it in


    • See Fendy must have got a last minute holiday, she never mentioned that did she ??????????? pmsl


      • Morning enaid hun
        glad to see your feeling better today
        how's your monument claim are you sorted with it now?


        • Lol enaid I did'nt have a clue she was going anywhere.....kpt that a secret pmsl


          • Well sent an email yesterday, not giving it much hope though, I will keep sending 1 a day though till next Friday then I will have to do my bundle, including Int and wasted costs thingy.
            Glad your'e sorted with yours now, tis not worth worrying about anyway, only makes you ill in the end. Look what Sapp's got on her plate and she is still solving other peoples problems. (and having a laugh and giving us a laugh doing it)


            • There are some truely amazing people here, I don't know how Sapp does it I really don't... to be able to give so much....while she's got so much weight on her own shoulders.
              But then you're pretty amazing too hun.... sometimes it's easy to forget you've got yer own claims.... you're allways the first on the scene when ever I have my little panic attacks, allways quick to offer the support and advice.
              An airhead I may be... but at least I can read...lol if you get stuck with anything and need info finding....let me know! I'll do everything in my power to help you find what you need


              • That is so nice of you Tempty, thanks a million for that. We are all here for the same thing though and even if we don't know the ins and outs, just a bit of a laugh and some support can make a very daunting task into something we can cope with and in the win Enaid xx


                • Oh to heck with it, I nominate all of us!

                  Sorry i been quiet today, getting everything ready for the craft fair tomorrow, just hope it's gonna stop raining soon or the whole place is going to be a mud bath (yep it is outside!) I have ordered a gazebo thingy to go over my stall, but that was when I thought I needed hiding from the sun, it's gonna be a welly job!


                  • Nowt wrong with wellies and jewellry, in fact I do believe tis very trendy.
                    Good luck with it delta anyway!


                    • Originally posted by enaid View Post
                      Nowt wrong with wellies and jewellry, in fact I do believe tis very trendy.!
                      Oh thats you, who ive seen staggering about between pubs in vegas.


                      • Tis, yes I am trendy lol, I do drink lol and I have been known to stagger lol
                        I'll have no secrets on here in a bit will I?????????


                        • lol enaid
                          well at least we should be able to spot you at the meet easy enough!
                          just look for the one staggering about with a rum-n-coke in hand, draped in jewlery wearing wellies!!!

                          see easy


                          • Wassat? Beagle of the month? Wots the prize, then.

                            A dozen tins of pedigree chum????

                            My Blog


                            • STILL not finished, BTW. Busy trying to get Mrs LB's paperwork in order so I can make a start onher accounts. Need to be sharp before tax return time rushes up and bites her on the bum. Just call her Mrs Disorganised. ALL her invoices, orders, etc scattered about in plastic bags, cardboard boxes and the like. And not even all in the same room.

                              My Blog


                              • Half a dozen cheeky sod lol
                                My friend has just sent me an email with attachment, see what was number 1 on your birthday. the charts hadn't bloody started on mine, so upset and she is so dead pmsl


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