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  • i havent been out for about 6 yrs!! what a long time!!! god wouldnt know what to do now!


    • Originally posted by iancognito View Post
      I beg to differ sir
      Oh, aye. Right enough. I should have remembered. Here's some lumpy water outside our house a couple of years ago...

      (That's not our house in the photo, BTW )
      My Blog


      • Morning all,
        What a fab piccie Lugger, it is easy to see now why you have a lighthouse so close and how much it's needed.
        Speaking of piccies that brings me nicely on to what is happening with me today. I will be scanning and printing for most of it I reckon, I am doing my bundle for Monument (how much do you love just wasting time and money like this eh).
        I wonder where the great unused court bundle graveyard is?
        Hopefully half of my bundle will have been recycled as I am waiting for a parcel containing all the bits of the bundle that are standard. Then I only have to do the personal bits. This seemed a good idea to me to cut down on a bit of cost and wastage. Still as credit cards are still a GO, maybe some more people could do this as well.


        • Morning all, been up since 5, and think I may go back to bed for an hour!

          Apparently I am meeting my mum in Burnley today (thanks for that daughter of mine!) got my Crap One LBA to send off, waiting for a couple of parcels and need to bank a cheque for his lordship. And am still waiting for my money to clear so I can actually spend some money on me!


          • Hi Delta,
            You have a busy day then too lol,
            Well at least the weather seems to have bucked up, I think it makes you feel better when there is a bit of sun, especially as it's been so rare lately.


            • morning all what a lovely morning!! at least i wont get wet while im working (hopefully!) might even get rid of the bad throat ive had for 4 weeks!!
              delta im taking my mom on my hols this year.... i cant wait to be truthful its the first time shes been with us ,hopefully the weather will be dry so i can taking her to the races on sunday! fingers crossed xxxx


              • Hi Archer,
                Another race lover then? where will you be going?
                By the way that is not normal for a sore throat, have you not been to the docs?


                • well it will be market rasen they have a family day on the sunday.mom loves the horse racing!
                  havent been to the dr about the throat it seems silly.but i will have to if it carries on,dont want to get too bad on my hols!
                  u like the horses too then enaid?


                  • Love the races me and OH, we take my mum and dad too when we can, trouble is they are bad on their pins and some courses aren't siutable.
                    We went to Wolverhampton before xmas, we had a really lovely meal, it was a great day, that was my mum and dads xmas pressy.
                    They have done it all up now and haven't been since but hope to soon.


                    • Morning All,
                      As you can see I brought the sun back with me.
                      Anything exciting happened?


                      • Morning all

                        had a lovely weekend, major bbq Saturday - unfortunately although the weather had been lovely, cue rain at start of bbq which lasted all night. Good job we'd got a lot of big garden brollies and a conservatory! And then its been lovely and sunny ever since. Oh well never mind we had a great time anyway.

                        Just spoken to natwest about my refund and they said that anyone who put a Prelim in before 24th july will get paid, anything after then won't. Lokks like mine should be in the bank soon........
                        Is no longer here


                        • Enaid, next time you come to wolverhampton let me know, its only about 7 miles from me.....
                          Is no longer here


                          • Hi Pkea,
                            hope your hols were good, all nice and rested?
                            Something gone on with OFT and banks, suppose I'll let you catch up on that in your own time and make your own opinion on it lol.
                            thanks for bringing the sun back with you, did you forget me stick of rock though? pmsl


                            • Hi Wendy,
                              I will do that, tis a lovely course.
                              Glad you are going to get your money, it's nice also that at least Natwest are making an effort to sort people.
                              maybe a good idea to start a thread Wendy with that info on then as people find out what is happening with their banks courts etc we will be able to look it up.


                              • Well I did start a thread, in the Lamp Post, but now its been moved and I don't know where to........
                                Is no longer here


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