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  • Delta,
    The parcel has arrived you have worked so hard on BOTH counts, the broach is beautiful, how do you manage to mess with things so tiny?
    I can't thsnk you enough I will be compensating you don't care what you say........
    Thank you very very much
    You asked for my help with something well fire away if I can do it I will Enaid xx


    • How about less than a tenner for the domain name, registered for 2 years, and no other costs?
      Don't fall for it Delta, he's just trying to pass of a domain that he's found out is no use to him - got the letters c-a-b-o and t in the url!!!!


      • PMSL Jan, if he weren't such a nice bloke I would believe you lol


        • Ok enaid, I am glad it finally got there, right your task for today, I want you to be brutally honest with me..... if you saw that brooch for sale, what would you think is a reasonable price to pay for it? I have trouble pricing things due to the fact that I don't want to pay a lot for stuff, but I don't want to price the stuff too cheap that people think its tat, or too expensive that they won't buy.

          That's why I neede a guinea pig, and I want you to be very honest about it.... so what would you be happy to pay for something like that?


          • Ok Delta, no problem but I won't tell you yet I am going in work today, there are not many women come in, but I am going to get an average for you, hope this is ok. Will let you know later and with a much fairer valuation Enaid xx


            • That's great, thank you I really appreciate it


              • hi delta hunni.....
                Hows the jewelry making going??
                Hi enaid....hope my breakfast buddy is ok......pmsl
                Hi Jan......how are you today???


                • Originally posted by iancognito View Post
                  Don't fall for it Delta, he's just trying to pass of a domain that he's found out is no use to him - got the letters c-a-b-o and t in the url!!!!
                  Cheeky wummun. Cabot are getting it after all, and are paying me the registration costs as a "goodwill gesture"

                  But if they think it has shut me up, they are wrong. I'm carrying on the fight from http://www.coveritup.co.uk/

                  My Blog


                  • Afternoon All
                    glorious sunshine here today...... been out in the garden, doing a spot of weeding all morning
                    how's everyone today


                    • who else thinks tempty's avatar looks like Mrs HOD??? or is it just me!?:crazy:


                      • Just you, Archer.

                        Technically, I'm the first person to post today.

                        Unfortunately, I don't have anything interesting to say.
                        My Blog


                        • Morning Everyone,
                          weather is holding up I am so glad about that bit of sun, I was working yesterday so missed it lol.
                          I posted my bundle yesterday £6 that was the only way they would guarantee it getting there by Friday. Well if I don't get theirs by Friday I am deffo having that back.
                          Delta if you see this i will get back to you later, my research didn't fair too well yesterday.
                          Also I am going to a funeral this morning, a very old freind who was not very old himself. I don't happen to hold up vey well at funerals, I tend to start blubbing as soon as I see the crem gates.


                          • Morning all, and the good news is.....the cheque has cleared.....wayhey...shopping spree here I come!

                            Enaid, sorry to hear about the funeral, hope it goes ok for you hun.

                            Have just paid my mortgage, cleared up the arrears on the gas an lecky, now I need a coffee and then a bath


                            • morning all, another night of work compleated! my feet feel like they're about to drop off but at least I'm sitting down now..lol


                              • He he if your feet drop off you will be ar*ing about lol, another one done then, soon be payday then it's all worthwhile.


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