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  • tart! love it pmsl


    • Evening all


      • I'm waiting patiently for Jaws


        • Jaws one?


          • Yep the first and bestest one


            • your right it was, after that it went down hill.


              • How can it go down hill? It's on water. There ARE no hills on the water.
                My Blog


                • I beg to differ sir


                  • Well we ended up watching Ice Age 2, first time I have seen it but it was a good film, am now watching the rest of Jaws


                    • Morning all, well its rained quite heavily here overnight, but is not too bad at the moment, at least there is no rain now anyway.
                      Hope you are all good and fine this Sunday morning. Anyway I'm off to the gym now for a couple of hours, talk laters peeps.



                      • Can't shake off the headache this morning, and my feet are still throbbing


                        • they call that a hangover hun


                          • oh Gobbyone, you are so right............ still, my mate just came round for a cuppa and she is weathering worse than me.....
                            It was worth it, such a laugh, me (very married) and my two recently divorced friends............ at least I do not have any more regrets than the obvious one.....(should not have had that last drink) Wish my mates could say the same.......... I will be laughing with them for days now!


                            • Sounds like my idea of a great night out hun.............mucho fun...................thinking of which me could do with a mad night on town.....and soon...............mmmmmmmmmmmmm..............me will have to see how many victims me can round up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                              • evening all,been to the dump again and generally tidying up the house b4 i go away on saturday! what a fantastic weekend its been gorgeous and sunny!! wahay!
                                im so hoping we get no rain while im away!!
                                this weeks things to do includes taking my N1 into court for barclaycard..... shouldve done it ages ago but with the kids being off it seems like such an effort!


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