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FMB Fanclub

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  • Re: FMB Fanclub

    My daughter (17 month) is Daddys Girl.
    Tonight my son(3) was on my knee so daughter throws a paddy cos she wants to be there.
    we ignore her paddy, so she goes over to sons trains and starts playing, so son gets off me to go over, and as soon as he gets off me and moves, she runs over to me.
    Shes a devious one already, gos help us when shes older


    • Re: FMB Fanclub

      Sounds like yer typical woman to me???


      • Re: FMB Fanclub

        Still pitch black here lol,I think the sun is having a lie in today.
        Please let today be straightforward, I am working but as things are at the mo it's a bloody rest lol.
        The news is full of tosh again, they are talking of making more room in prisons, well I may be a bit slow here but what is the one and only way you can make more room? Is it not by taking something out of the room to make more room?
        Yep that makes perfect sense to me Mr Brown, maybe what we should really do is empty them all together lol, then you wouldn't have to make more room, to make more room lol


        • Re: FMB Fanclub

          Time to stop making them ensuite cells, if they go back to multiples in a cell and a bucket to use then they can get more bad guys in


          • Re: FMB Fanclub

            Morning all Its a bit gloomy and cold here but at least its not raining. Am definitely gonna do some work today for a change, need to get up to date ish cos I've got the day off tomorrow, am going to Horse of the Year Show, lots of lovely dosh to spend courtesy of Capital One lol. Really looking forward to it, taking jess and a packed lunch cos we can't afford the food at the NEC. Won't get home till at least half eleven tomorrow night, so will no doubt be knackered on Thursday....and broke....
            Is no longer here


            • Re: FMB Fanclub

              Have a great time Wendy and Jess, never got there myself but always watched it on tv. I love the pony club events and all the other goings on as much as the show jumping.
              She may be there herself soon looking at that pony she will soon be riding, if she does I may come to watch. So get your work sorted, funny that I was just talking to two other members on here who also have very busy jobs pmsl


              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                Well I do have a very busy job, its just that i never seem to get round to actually doing any of it lol. Boss is due in soon so gotta look busy. I've never been to HOYS before, nor has Jess, so its gonna be great. Am hoping to get invited into Colne Studs box for lunch, cos the judge bloke who's got the stallion is big mates with them, he produces for them, and he's gonna be there too....so all good fun. a friend of ours from our yard is there for the Miniature Horse of the Year, she qualified a couple of weeks ago so we're going to cheer her on. There's Pony Club, and M and M Champs, and Junior Foxhunter, and that display by the Met Police with the horses jumping through fire and stuff. And all that shopping...........
                Is no longer here


                • Re: FMB Fanclub

                  You are soooooooo naughty, I know you said it was on cap1, so a treat is well in order just you don't go blowing it all lol, you will need some later on me thinks.


                  • Re: FMB Fanclub

                    Yep, I will, but have earmarked most of it for Crimbo to be honest. Lewis wants a new LCD telly for his room (or should I say lurrve nest) and Jess wants (she says needs) a laptop. But that still leaves a few bob for HOYS. And am taking a couple of those little bottles of screw top wine for sustenance during the day...good job I'm not doing the driving lol. And not paying for parking cos my brother in law works at the NEC so he's sorting out some free parking. It aint what you know........
                    Boss is in now so have to be carful and look busy for a while.
                    Is no longer here


                    • Re: FMB Fanclub

                      Tis pitch black again and the clocks are not due back for a few weeks yet. So depressing really, but never mind worse things happen at sea they say. What a weird saying that is, I loved it when I went on a cruise lol.
                      That reminds me not seen Lugger for a bit maybe he is at sea.
                      Here's hoping today is a good day for everyone, I know Wendy and Jess will enjoy their day, not everyones cup of tea I know, but if your horsey it's the tops.
                      Food shopping is my excitement for the day, I do hope I'm feeding 3 plus dog at weekend and not five plus dog, lol aren't I awful pmsl


                      • Re: FMB Fanclub

                        Yes drove here in the dark, asleep as usual, roads nice and quiet at this time of the day, going home last night was a nightmare, police, ambulances and roadworks all over the place, and of course the usual pain in the neck I'm gonna cut in front of you then drive a 20 miles an hour brigade, I am seriously thinking of using public transport, now I know I'm getting old.


                        • Re: FMB Fanclub

                          I was shocked on my way home last night
                          Christmas lights were not only up,but ON
                          Its efffin October for gods sake.
                          Street lights were off this morning or I would have taken a pic. I will see if they are on, on the way home tonight.
                          Effin traffic everywhere this morning, only just got to work, not that anyone notices, or cares for that matter.
                          Why do people insist on driving at 60 in the outside lane, Get out of the Efin way, some people have a life.
                          Anyway ile have a brew and calm down.


                          • Re: FMB Fanclub

                            looking bleak outside again today.... more rain forecast and is chilly aswell. discovered the car has just about the worst screen de mister i've ever come across!
                            took over 10 mins to clear this morning before i could finally see where i was going, and that was after spraying the damn thing to remove the frost.

                            Applied for another 2 jobs yesterday, and got hubby registered with 2 agencies locally (he's got interviews with both of them next week)
                            having a day off from looking today... it's doing my head in now... gonna relax ... be really sad and play the sims...lol


                            • Re: FMB Fanclub

                              Wayhey I'm a havin a good un! Just got my cheque from Crap One.........woooooooooooooooo


                              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                                way to go delta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dont spend it all at once! :carrot:
                                well i think its time tempty had her dosh too! come on santa send it her quick!
                                well not much to do now ,going to aunties its her 80th birthday !! and ive done pretty much everything else for a change,been so busy lately
                                the flipping puppy keeps quaking on the floor in a heap if i look like im going in a shop though had to pick her up to get in the florists!! wont be doing that much longer!
                                hope youve calmed down PK and enaid u need some cheering up i think .......


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