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FMB Fanclub

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  • Re: FMB Fanclub

    Have you seen what you have started Mrs lol it is like bloody Shoefayre in here at the mo and more to come me thinks lol

    Just a little amendment to my post on rugby pmsl The singers were not players but actual opera singers. So it will be to the opera I go not a rugby match sorry lol.


    • Re: FMB Fanclub

      I know, I have actually been considering getting my camera out and taking photos of my boots in the cupboard... But have decided that my boss would not accept that as a reason to be late for work this morning.

      Having said that I think I am going to wear the red ones out tonight, its my friends birthday so I feel the need to dress up xxx

      Opera/Rugby........ there are similarities


      • Re: FMB Fanclub

        There were some very good looking chaps on this morning singing Sweat Charriot, I thought they were players but they are singers. The Welsh spring to mind though they love their rugby and singing lol.


        • Re: FMB Fanclub

          well evening all!
          cant wait to see the rugby tomorrow!
          whats everyone got planned?


          • Re: FMB Fanclub

            And where is your sick note madam pmsl?
            X Factor Dancing and Robin Hood sorry lol
            How are you?


            • Re: FMB Fanclub

              im ok seem to be busy all the time and my littlest one cant seem to make a w**** week at school without being sent home sick! she only managed this week to be ok.moms having appointments with the hospital for her eye ....is that ok miss for a sick note??
              well rugby what can i say ? i was mad going to bed i can tell you! thought we would win again...oh well
              taking some more stuff to dump for mom today cos her sorting to move.oh and that survey she got done...it was really good ,i was worried after reading that thread u sent me enaid! he was really thorough (doesnt look right?)
              so whats everyone got planned for today? ill be glad when they stop setting fireworks off round here cos poor little puppy dog cowers under the table everytime she hears one! shes a proper scaredy cat(?) or is it called something else for dogs???.........


              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                why has the word w h o l e come up with stars???


                • Re: FMB Fanclub

                  It wont have that word for some reason Archer lol I think it thinks it's rude pmsl.
                  Yes your note is fine, thank you lol.
                  I didn't mean to upset you with that post about surveys Archer, it's just any rip off in my opinion should be broadcast and it looks like some of them can be, once again I am sorry.
                  My dog to hates the fireworks but up to now, touch wood they have not been too bad. You can get tranqualisers from the vets if you think that will help. It's a shame for them and we forget too that there hearing is loads more sensitive than ours.


                  • Re: FMB Fanclub

                    LB at sea
                    too hot for me
                    wish I was cool
                    with a beer by the pool
                    4 weeks to go by
                    and then I can fly
                    back home to see
                    Mrs LB
                    My Blog


                    • Re: FMB Fanclub

                      Awwwwww how sweet


                      • Re: FMB Fanclub

                        sweet lugger but insensitive for those of us who are freezing our bottoms off!


                        • Re: FMB Fanclub

                          Lovely Lugger, too hot where you are, you should see California it is really hot there. Fires are just starting up and spreading all over the place.

                          It's not looking too bad here though, cold but dry, suppose we can put up with that.

                          Just a note on the X Factor, come on there is not only me watching it, I really can't understand why people won't admit to watching it. Anyway Kimberley was the one to go imo, but as to picking a winner thats a toughie lol.

                          Poor Willy he went from the dancing and I thought for a chunky chappie he did extremely well and was actually very light on his feet.
                          I bet Rod Stewart was seething when they made his Mrs cry lol, after all them gangly legs of hers were part of the attraction.

                          As for Robin Hood well he got one over on the sheriff again lol, poor Marion though she is in a bit of water, I will have to wait till next week to see how she gets out of that though.


                          • Re: FMB Fanclub

                            lol enaid! well i dont watch x factor but i do watch the circus thing on sunday night,and occasionally come dancing celebrity one.
                            well start of the school holidays and daughters already annoying me! why does she insist on lying on the dogs bed when theres loads of other places to sit!!!
                            arrgghhh poor dog has no where to sit...
                            right then hi ho hi ho its off to work we go.... i feel like sh** and i feel very much like i could be sick everywhere ! so lets hope that i done get many parcels today! ill have to get some chewing gum to help...
                            have fun all


                            • Re: FMB Fanclub

                              Well Its Monday Again.
                              Still recovering from Yesterday, I'm Knackered
                              We spent all day at Blackpool Zoo & Dinosaur Safari, then went for a meal and then had a drove through the illuminations.
                              I must say the lights had a bit more to them than in recent years, they seem to get updated every 3 or 4 years.
                              The kids were knackered, so much so that they didnt get up till 7 this morning.

                              Anyway the start of another busy week
                              Hope every had a good weekend and Happy Monday


                              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                                Anyway the start of another busy week


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