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FMB Fanclub

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  • Re: FMB Fanclub

    yup i'm right with you on that one Sapphy.

    ban the sale of fireworks to the public full stop..... i honestly do believe that even if you want a display for a private party... you should have to obtain a license first.
    Organised displays are by far the best way to see fireworks. in my opinion anyway far safer and kinder to all our pet's. I'd love nothing more then to see public sales banned


    • Re: FMB Fanclub

      This appears to be the view of the vast majority of the public, certainly I don't know anyone who doesn't agree with it (although i get the feeling i will do soon)

      The incident in Bolton shows precisely what madness this is, who needs gun crime when you can potentially kill someone with a 'firework'


      • Re: FMB Fanclub

        Going back a bit lol I remember some of the fireworks we had then jeeeeeeeeez it's a good job they were banned. What comes to mind mostly is the dreaded riprap that followed you everywhere, the penny banger, the Catherine wheel and the rockets that had no sense of direction.
        There were accidents no doubt, but I think on the whole people respected fireworks and I don't ever remember them going off weeks before and weeks after the 5th.
        Halloween was no where near as big as it is now, the Yanks have probably got something to do with that as it's big over there, as is everything if you believe them lol.
        Christmas was in fact very much looked forward to by young and old, not the dread word it is today. Call me miserable if you like, but I do think things are not the same.


        • Re: FMB Fanclub

          Halloween was not too bad for us.... fortunately i was out at work till 7:30, so missed most of the kids knocking at the door.... my kids had a few of their friends round for a halloween get together.... so no wandering about in the dark for them I just got the resulting mess to clean up now.... silly string... and party poppers already cleared away.... washroom looks like some one has been murdered in there though.... fake blood all over the sink....floor... and well everything really lol


          • Re: FMB Fanclub

            Originally posted by Tempty View Post
            Organised displays are by far the best way to see fireworks. i
            I totally agree, but the reason they are in decline now is due to insurance costs, Health & safety etc.

            When I was a lad, a few years ago, nearly every pub had a bonfire with fireworks, plus nearly every town had a council run one as well.
            Now the only organised one I have seen is at a pub about 5 miles away.


            • Re: FMB Fanclub

              Because I've hurt my foot and can't get out and about he thought he surprise me and organised to have our neighbours and their kids in last night, 10 of them in total and Les had a great time 'entertaining' them, we had games, competitions and a short karaoke session ffs (football songs of all things). Then they all went off with a goodie bag each. I had a great time pmsl.



              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                well i used to get fireworks for the back garden they were great but they are scarey!! im not happy around them at all and think they should be banned on public sale.theyve been letting them off for about 2 months round here cos of eid!! any excuse!.and my poor puppy doggy is terrified of them!! she goes and hides under the table shaking like a leaf..
                the kids round here need to go to boot camp if you ask me ...........but thats just my opinion


                • Re: FMB Fanclub

                  I blame the parents :rolleyes:



                  • Re: FMB Fanclub

                    Originally posted by sapphire View Post
                    I blame the parents :rolleyes:

                    me toooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


                    • Re: FMB Fanclub

                      The thing that always gets me about Bonfire Night is that we are celebrating a failed Terrorist attempt really.


                      • Re: FMB Fanclub

                        lol yes thats true really??? but i think its our deep down anger coming out about politics thats y i think we celebrate it cos we all have someone in parliament that we think should get a right stick oops i mean kick ,up the ass!!


                        • Re: FMB Fanclub

                          Well what a very sad morning it is, it's the busiest time of the year for one of, if not thee imho bravest of our services the Fire Brigade. One firefighter dead and three missing in a massive warehouse fire that they seem to believe was started deliberately. My thoughts go out to the families of the men and also the other firefighters whom will never get over it.

                          Things on the firework front didn't seem too bad round here last night, although I do expect tonight and tomorrow will be worse. One thing they will never keep me awake lol. I don't even think the Germans could have done that.
                          So if you are having your bunty tonight I hope you enjoy it and stay safe Enaid xx


                          • Re: FMB Fanclub

                            hear hear enaid.we had an old listed church set alight deliberately a couple of weeks ago and it took 15 fire crews to put it out.i dont know what sick people would do something like that they should be caught and done with manslaughter


                            • Re: FMB Fanclub

                              :fireworks:That's what's just happened to my kitchen light when I switched it on, it's one of them long ones with 4 little bulbs in and the end one just blew up and went everywhere. I thought I had been shot lol the old ticker is just getting back to normal lol.

                              I hope everyone had a good Bunty if you had one last night. I am so proud of my little dog, it's the first year with us that she has not nearly panted to death. She did spend the evening in the air raid shelter (under our bed lol) but with no medication she has done brill. An extra pigs ear for her today me thinks.:guyfawkes:this is as near as I want to be to a firework lol and by the way thanks Ame for all your little seasonal touches that you put on the site, I am sure it's the only site that does it. In my opinion it's little things like that make it special. Once again thanks.


                              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                                morning all,well afternoon!
                                yes i love the seasonal touches theyre great!
                                well puppy doggie wasnt too bad last night she sat by me all night being stroked!
                                got up this morning and the flipping car wont start!! what a great start to the week,means i cant work tomorrow i hope i dont get the scack! i have no cover


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