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FMB Fanclub

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  • Re: FMB Fanclub

    I know what you mean Enaid, I am sure it all depended on who found it first, could of been a whole different scenario for the poor little pig.
    Member of the Beagles £2 coin and small change savers clubs, both based in the Debt Forum:11:


    • Re: FMB Fanclub

      Talking of cruelty to animals, did anyone see Marco Pierre Whites programme last night, they were shooting squirrels for a pie, and one of them bit a poor little doggie on the nose.


      • Re: FMB Fanclub

        Hi gang! Can't believe no-one has posted on this thread since 17th July!!

        Anyway, I am back from Wales. It rained. But only twice. Once for 24 hours and once for 36. But the 3 days in between were okay. Just glad we weren't in a tent, I would have been suicidal. we lived in the lorry with all mod cons, including tv and microwave (thank god for OH's mate lending us a generator). Although things got a bit fraught when Jessie's GHD straighteners blew up lol.

        Took the dogs, who had a lovely time and were very well behaved, and didn't get kicked by any of the horses of ponies. The training academy was brilliant, and Eben learnt loads from James and Matthew Broome, then put it into practice in the competition over 3 days. Friday wasn't too brilliant, got eliminated at the fourth fence. Saturday morning was a bit better, got to the 5th before getting eliminated. Saturday afternoon everything suddenly clicked into place and they went clear. 38 in the class, 16 went through to the jump off. They did a briliant clear round and for a time were in the lead, but ended up in 5th place on time. Got a rosette and prize money. Sunday morning a bit disastrous when Jess got completely lost in the ring ( I wouldn't mind but there were only 10 jumps in a figure of 8 shape lol). Sunday afternoon Eben went back into goldfish mode and decided he had never ever ever seen a showjump before so he wasn't gonna jump, thank you very much. The commentator said they were a combination to look out for in the future.

        Came home Sunday afternoon after spending nearly an hour getting Eben onto the lorry. When something that big decides he don't want to load then its time for a big argument lol.

        Internet was playing up at home, then got to work on Tuesday to find no internet here either. Long story but we now have a connection, even if it is with a Dongle (yes thats what I thought!!)

        Its nice to be back xx
        Last edited by WendyB; 14th August 2008, 13:50:PM. Reason: spelling
        Is no longer here


        • Re: FMB Fanclub

          Welcome back Wendy, it sounds like you had a lovely time even if the weather was a little wet for a day or two.

          Anyways chat laters hun xxxxx


          • Re: FMB Fanclub

            Hello Wendy,
            Nice to see Ebon did ok, he is only a baby when all is said and done. Don't remind me about horses not loading jeez we went to Tatton park in a lorry and one horse wouldn't load coming back. We were 10 mins from being locked in the park, one of the girls had to ride the said horse to a nearby stables and leave him there for the night. The guy at the stables got him in a trailor next morning and brought him home. So i have every sympathy with horse boxes and trailers and problem horses lol.
            It's nice to have you back Wendy, will speak soon Enaid xx


            • Re: FMB Fanclub

              He's not exactly a problem, more of a big tit lol. Anyway, here's a couple of videos of the two of them. not sure whether the sound effects will be there or not. First one is the clear round, second is the jump off. We're going back for the Derby weekend at the end of September.

              Well that was crap the attachments won't load. Will try again tomorrow.
              Last edited by WendyB; 15th August 2008, 10:30:AM. Reason: made it a bit more tactful
              Is no longer here


              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                It was my grandsons first day at school today, he was too tired to tell me anything about it awwww.

                Son came home today he is off tomorrow cos of strike action they have only been back one day, and what a horrible day it has been too.

                Good too see you had a nice time Wendy, and congratulations on them doing so well too
                Member of the Beagles £2 coin and small change savers clubs, both based in the Debt Forum:11:


                • Re: FMB Fanclub

                  Well I though I would drag this thread from the gutter so I can have a moan about whats happening in my life.

                  I am in the process of doing my kitchen up which is all going to plan, be it slowly, but we are getting there with everything.
                  A word of advice, Dont get your hands covered in Expanding Plasternaord adhesive as I am still trying to pick it off my fingers.

                  I am trying to buy a car as well, which is driving me mad at the moment cos the company are idiots and dont talk to each other, but thats another story.

                  I am in the process of obtaining documents for a harrassement claim against a DCA and once i have these I will be instructing a solicitor, who has agreed in principle that its a strong case. Good also be some publicity for Beagles in it as well.

                  Over the last couple of days we have noticed every now and then a smell of Gas in the house (we had new GCH put in last month) and had Transco round this morning and they confirmed we have a leak, so now trying to get hold of the plumber to get himself round to the house to sort it.

                  On the good side, my son has started full time at school and my daughter has strated at nursey for a few sessiosn a week, and they are bothe loving it.

                  The whole house is full of a cold too and to top it all off my team has slipped to 3rd in the Fantasy football (but points havent been finished yet).

                  Anyway rant over

                  Happy Monday



                  • Re: FMB Fanclub

                    Here's my update..............................

                    I AM FECKING KNACKERED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                    Rant over !!!!!!!!!


                    • Re: FMB Fanclub

                      and i haven't even got a rant - shall I make one up????

                      Am in work, boss is back but gone out so I am doing my own thing. Sold the motorbike, which meant we could repay in-laws the money the lent us to buy my car, which was a £500 fiesta, cos OH moans about me going to the stables in the 07 plate one. Also, with the rest of the bike proceeds, bought daughter a scooter for her 16th Birthday, a 57 plate Piaggio Zip which was a steal at £620. So that means that as soon as she's mobile I won't have to go to the stables every day after work and twice a day at weekends - which in turn means we may actually eat before 9pm at night! Except when its raining.....

                      Wallpapering is not moving on at all, haven't done any for about 3 months, must get it finished for Chritmas (Mind you, I think I said that this time last year as well lol).

                      Non rant over
                      Is no longer here


                      • Re: FMB Fanclub


                        I sympathise about the kitchen ours has taken over a year and still not finished.

                        I am surprised about the gas leak - we had one on our old house and we were all told to evacuate immediately and dont touch the electrics! we spent hours outside - then they found the leak was outside anyway - so we were probably in more danger:tinysmile_hmm_t2:

                        I am fed up with the mess in our house - then I get annoyed with myself thinking - must count blessings at least we have a house. But then sometimes on an everyday basis its hard to put these things into perspectve and then you can bottle things up. Maybe we should all just have a punch bag so we can vent our frustrations sometimes ( and I dont mean the OH)
                        "What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well." - Antione de Saint Exupery

                        "Always reach for the moon, if you miss you'll end up among the stars"


                        • Re: FMB Fanclub

                          Well the Gas leak is sorted now.
                          Had to get another plumber in to sort as the one who did the Central heating didnt return my messages.
                          BUT it did turn out that it was his fault we had the leak, so watch this space for PKea vs Plumber if he will not pay for todays work


                          • Re: FMB Fanclub

                            Morning all

                            Just thought I would give this thread a bump as no one has posted to it for a while.

                            Right a quick question, has any one else done this eg. you are in a shop happily just browsing when someone beside you says hi or hello whatever, so you turn round and say hi back only to find out they are not talking to you they are using one of that bluetooth thingy's, or is it just me?

                            Got some flat pack furniture to build so this should be fun, my dad offered to help but the last time he built a wardrobe he drilled the holes in the wrong place, so they ended up with new wardrobes with holes in the front, so have declined his offer of help, so will I have a wardrobe and chest of drawers by the end of the day or a pile of bits of wood ? will let you know later.
                            Member of the Beagles £2 coin and small change savers clubs, both based in the Debt Forum:11:


                            • Re: FMB Fanclub

                              SL, good luck with yer DIY,


                              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                                LOL Flat pack wardobes! My fave.

                                The last time I built one, I got my ex hubby and his van to go to Ikea with me. We bought the wardrobe in many large flat boxes. We loaded the smaller bits into the van and strapped the rest on the roof rack. We drove back in separate cars.
                                I got a call 20 mins after we left Croydon. My Ex hubby yelling frantically down the phone in heavy French accent. 'ACCIDENT!! ACCIDENT!!'

                                I turned round and tracked him down on the dual carriageway leading to A23 (5pm) manic rush hour, with him and van up a bank and my wardrobe all over 2 lanes of dual carriageway. Him dashing out into 70mph traffic to grab bits. Cars screeching to a halt to avoid the boxes. Terrifying!
                                The police arrived in 2 mins and stopped the traffic. They even helped us reload the roof rack!
                                Apparently he'd come round a bend at 60 mph in the inside lane only to come across a lady whose gearbox had failed and was doing 10mph. He couldn't pull out cos of traffic so he slammed on his brakes. The wardrobe flew off and hit the slow car before flying over carriageway. Luckily no one was hurt. So it wasn't his fault at all, we'd loaded it correctly but all the straps snapped under the velocity of braking.

                                We got the smashed packaging home and I was amazed to discover the wardrobe inside was barely damaged at all. Its still going strong and looks great! Ikea could do a great ad using my wardrobe!

                                Nice to see this thread waking up again btw
                                "Although scalar fields are Lorentz scalars, they may transform nontrivially under other symmetries, such as flavour or isospin. For example, the pion is invariant under the restricted Lorentz group, but is an isospin triplet (meaning it transforms like a three component vector under the SU(2) isospin symmetry). Furthermore, it picks up a negative phase under parity inversion, so it transforms nontrivially under the full Lorentz group; such particles are called pseudoscalar rather than scalar. Most mesons are pseudoscalar particles." (finally explained to a captivated Celestine by Professor Brian Cox on Wednesday 27th June 2012 )

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