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FMB Fanclub

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  • Re: FMB Fanclub

    Hello standing how are you?
    I know it seems like we are never here when you call, often we are in the shoutbox or chat, why don't you pop in chat sometime it's a laugh, or a place you can get quick replies. Enaid x


    • Re: FMB Fanclub

      Well another busy day for me today.
      scouring the job adds looking for a new job, writing up the draft jan very kindly put together for me to the papers! (let's hope we can make cobblers squirm a bit). got a ton of housework to do aswell. and a sick bunny to attend to (that should be fun... i'm allergic!!) so all in all another gripping day in the tempty household!
      oh and it's peeing it down here aswell!!


      • Re: FMB Fanclub

        Why you looking for a new job hun?


        • Re: FMB Fanclub

          because after telling me that i was more then likely to be taken on............. they decided not to..... and told me 10 mins before my final shift ended.....nice huh!

          lol i won't get started again..... had a HUGE rant about it on Wednesday when i found out pmsl


          • Re: FMB Fanclub

            Well after a good drink yesterday evening I slept like a log lol. I never heard my son and his guest at all, not even when they got up in the middle of the night to eat the Pasta and garlic bread I had left them.
            Had a few words with OH as the remote or turner overer as we call was stuck to his hand again so he could watch rugby. He knows I love X factor and next week it's Strictly Ballroom again so I will have the tuner overer next week or he will be under the patio lol.
            This is the only thing about autumn and winter, the tv seems to improve, makes sense though we stay in more.
            So getting back to the love birds they didn't manage to wash up after their supper lol so we will see what happens after breakfast and dinner today.


            • Re: FMB Fanclub

              LOL enaid hun I wouldn't hold yer breath there, chuck him the dish cloth after breakfast as a gentle hint...lol ok dinner then..... I had myself a lie in this morning


              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                Hi peeps, just popped me head in to see who's about.

                Ok so far today i've emptied the hanging baskets and tubs at the front of house and replanted them up with winter flowering bits and bobs. Cleaned out the fridge etc and been to the gym. Am now having the rest of the today to myself as the old git has gone to visit one of his mates from the lodge, and he worked for us for a while and is now in hospital, poor sod he's only 53 and he has got all sorts wrong with him. Diabetes so bad that he is now having dialysis, he's also got cataracts bad and they can't operate on him as it would be so dangerous for him to have it done, the poor sod is practically blind now. He's having tests for Crohn's and various other things as well and we have just been told he has picked up the superbug C-Diff. Poor poor man oh I feel so sorry for his wife and family as well.
                Anyway the old gits gone to see him with a couple of other pals so no doubt they will stop off for a drinky of two on the way home.
                I've told the old git to make sure he uses that hand gel before he goes in the ward and when he comes out as well, and that when he comes home he's to go have a shower straight away and all his clothes etc can go in the wash.
                Am I paranoid errrrrrrrrrr ????????? I think not do you.



                • Re: FMB Fanclub

                  Well done Sappy, I could cry when I look at my garden, never seen it such a mess.I will get out next week and tidy it up, that's if OH takes the fuse out of me PC plug lol.
                  Fed the love birds twice today, no sign of an offer to wash up, she is very shy lol my ass how can you be shy and sleep with someone after a month. They must think I came over on a banana boat lol.
                  Anyway I'll let it go for now, but next time ............


                  • Re: FMB Fanclub

                    I'm not sure if I could cope with one of the kids sleeping with girlfriend/boyfriend under my roof. My other half's son cameto stay with us for a few weeks when he had a bit of an 'upset' with his wife, anyway off he goes for a drink or two in town and we went to bed, later that night we heard giggling downstairs and himself says to me ahhh bless him leave him alone. Yeah right like feck did I, off I marched downstairs, son and bit on side in various stages of undress on the sofa, words were said step son packed off to bed and bit on side had to walk home. Bless him he was only 26 at the time pmsl.



                    • Re: FMB Fanclub

                      Originally posted by enaid View Post
                      Well done Sappy, I could cry when I look at my garden, never seen it such a mess.I will get out next week and tidy it up, that's if OH takes the fuse out of me PC plug lol.
                      Fed the love birds twice today, no sign of an offer to wash up, she is very shy lol my ass how can you be shy and sleep with someone after a month. They must think I came over on a banana boat lol.
                      Anyway I'll let it go for now, but next time ............
                      A month!

                      slow mover :devil: :roll:msl:


                      • Re: FMB Fanclub

                        Tis a month to get to my house he has been at hers for the last 3 weekends lol not slow at all, just like his mother pmsl


                        • Re: FMB Fanclub

                          lol, no comment


                          • Re: FMB Fanclub

                            Still dark here but dry.
                            Listening to bits and bobs from the Conservatives, all sounds quite good, as it always does of course. Why can't they just have the best man for the job instead of prattling on about promises they can't or won't keep. Makes me sick, no wonder people won't vote, if you do it makes you feel as though everything going wrong is your fault. Well let them get on with it, what ever the outcome we know we will be ripped off at every corner, it's something we expect now.
                            On a lighter note ha ha I have stopped smoking so I have a chance of being treated in hospital now that is of course unless they knock me back because I have put on a stone and a half pmsl. :rolleyes:
                            Never mind if my drinking habit gets worse I will get a bonus payment to help me pay for my booze, or if I turn to drugs I will also be well looked after, so thats ok then.


                            • Re: FMB Fanclub

                              Just a little update on me lads date pmsl she is going home tonight:okay:
                              Can't say I have seen much of her and OH has not seen her at all yet, they have eaten and slept well, John and Yoko have got nowt on these two in the bed staying in stakes. Gawd I hope it's not our turn again for at least another month.


                              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                                lol enaid at least its over now! im glad i dont have to put up with all that my oldest at home is 12! bless the little ones.


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