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FMB Fanclub

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  • Re: FMB Fanclub

    My Mum always does that "can't be doing with old people, don't they moan" lark but then I suppose mine is a relative youngster at only 77.

    As far as flu jabs go, they only give them to pensioners near us so I'm not quite there yet - won't be long tho' (just thought I'd get that in before Paradox does)


    • Re: FMB Fanclub

      Well, its back to work today after my fun filled day yesterday at home.
      Made bread with my son, well I say with in a loose term because as soon as he got his hands messy he didnt want to do anymore. All he wanted to do, was stir. Anyway he was happy with making the shapes at the end.

      Also noticed that my daughter has chipped her two front teeth (nothing to do with me or the bread, by the way). Luckily the reason I was off is because everyone went to the dentist yesterday afternoon except me.

      Anyway the bread was lovely and was nearly all eaten before it got chance to cool down.

      Right I need ideas now, so get your thinking caps on.
      My son has to dress up for nursery as his favourite BOOK charcter as they are doing a book day. As my son has loads of books, his favourite is the last one he read and will change on a nightly basis, so me and Kelly and struggling to think of what he can dress up as.
      We would like to be original, as there are bound to be plenty of Bob the Builders etc. Also ideally something thats not too hard to make.
      Sugestions we have come up with so far are: Emergency services, BtB, Thomas Train, Mr Men.
      Any help will be appreciated

      Oh here is Wakefield Photos Link Lugger http://s182.photobucket.com/albums/x289/PKea/


      • Re: FMB Fanclub

        If thomas the tank is in there then deffo the Fat Controller everyone knows him lol


        • Re: FMB Fanclub

          Ooooh I used to love getting my kids ready for book day:

          The hungry Caterpillar (vandalised my cushions for that one)

          Jim Lad (Treasure Island and I really did read it to him because he couldn't make head nor tale of it) is a nice easy one

          Also sent him as a lamb once, can't remember what the book was but we covered his clothes in wadding and the poor lad got redder and redder as he got hotter and hotter - not recommended msl:


          • Re: FMB Fanclub

            How about Winnie the Pooh, always a favourite.



            • Re: FMB Fanclub

              Originally posted by iancognito View Post
              The hungry Caterpillar (vandalised my cushions for that one)
              Thats the winner.. I had just come online to post that.

              Hes got a green jog top with a hood, and we are going to stuff some old socks with paper, then sew them onto the top to make the legs. And then make some antennaes out of pipecleaners and stick some colour spots on.
              Paint his face with facepaint and he should be ok.
              Ile try to get some pics
              So I probably wont be online tonight now, best make sure ive got some alcohol in..lol


              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                I'm so glad my kids are grown up now and i don't have to do this any more lol. i was always crap at it!! Although I did manage to turn Lewis into one of the Three Kings and Jess into an Angel - thank god I got the easy ones lol. One of the mums had to turn her daughter into an orange balloon. I personally would rather do a months ironing than invent a costume lol ( and i really really hate ironing).
                At our stables they even do a fancy dress for the ponies - you wouldn't believe how inventive some of them are. The owners that is, not the ponies:roll:
                Is no longer here


                • Re: FMB Fanclub

                  hehehehe me too Wendy all though I have been in a few fancy dresses myself lol.
                  Blimey best stop now before I start reminiscing and make you all bored to tears or bring myself to tears because it was a while a go for some lol but pretty recent for others pmsl


                  • Re: FMB Fanclub

                    hehe thankfully I haven't had to invent many fancy dress costumes for my boy's.
                    although every year at Halloween we seem to through the same argument...... but why can't you buy me that full costume..... it's only £30 ?? Geez ok I'll show my age a little here but I remember half the fun at Halloween was making the costumes in the first place! Usually out of old sheets or black bags.... anything we could find lying around that wasn't nailed down or would cause mum to freak out! LOl my brother once cut eye holes in a sheet to make a ghost.... only to discover when mum went nut's that they were mums best bed sheets .....opps LOL.
                    These days the kids want oozing blood and goo mask's and full costumes the works.... cost's a blummin fortune that way.......


                    • Re: FMB Fanclub

                      My 18 year old went to a Halloween party last year (his first ever!!) and I made him a mad monk/grim reaper outfit (could have been either) cost me £3 for the material and his mates were so impressed he actually said thank you the next day (that was a first too).

                      Other ones we've done in the past:
                      a bunch of grapes with a pack of green balloons looks fab and dead easy
                      half a dozen bandages, fake blood and a box of Milk Tray!!!

                      Can't wait for grandkids!!!


                      • Re: FMB Fanclub

                        What!!!!!!!!! Grandkids ??????? if I have any and I hope I don't, they had better write to me from Australia or even farther away lol


                        • Re: FMB Fanclub

                          Originally posted by enaid View Post
                          If thomas the tank is in there then deffo the Fat Controller everyone knows him lol
                          Lol when my little 'un was small he loved thomas but couldnt say fat controller properly
                          He used to say f**king troller lol


                          • Re: FMB Fanclub

                            Originally posted by enaid View Post
                            What!!!!!!!!! Grandkids ??????? if I have any and I hope I don't, they had better write to me from Australia or even farther away lol

                            Enaid, you cant mean that?


                            • Re: FMB Fanclub

                              Well Callumsgran, it is quite obvious that you love being a grandma and I think that's lovely. I myself seem to have lost any maternal instincts I had (if I ever really had any) lol. I do have 2 children, both grown up I may add.
                              Children now seem to get on my nerves to be totally honest, probably not their fault I know, but they are loud, rude and totally self centered. I probably will get hissed and booed for that remark but that is how I feel.
                              I suppose when it's your own flesh and blood things are different, I don't know and as I said, I really am not yearning for a grandchild at all. If in your opinion that is wrong or even bad of me then I am, sorry but I can't help the way I feel.

                              Back to this morning lol it is still pitch black, not long for the clocks going back though. Once they have gone back we are well on our way to a night I hate sorry I am a moaning old biddy this morning lol Bonfire Night. I love the idea and have had some really lovely bonfire parties, but why oh why must they start setting fire works off 3 weeks before and for 3 weeks after. To be honest though I haven't heard any yet. I hope I haven't spoken too soon.
                              To finish off my rather depressing post lol after Bonfire Night it's only a blink to Christmas OMG, where does time go............


                              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                                well said lol


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