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  • I want to be in Wokingham,Berkshire currently just down the road in Camberley, Surrey.
    When we love, we always strive to become better than we are.

    When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.

    Paulo Coelho


    • Is the housing very dear and a big shortage there then?


      • And going off subject cap'n jack is loverly, gone all funny now lol


        • Im not sure compared to up north definitley expensive, but compared to Brighton where Ive just come from quite cheap.

          I am looking for a 2 bed house for £250k (must be victorian i dont like newbuild) my smallish 2bed flat in brighton sold for £275.

          Houses sell really quickly my flat sold in a couple of days, houses up here are generally gone in about a week.

          What would be the average 2 bed house price where you are? More? less?
          When we love, we always strive to become better than we are.

          When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.

          Paulo Coelho


          • Quarter mill jeez,
            I would say a nice roomy 2 bed Terrace with garden, bout £150 and I mean the old victorian ones prob the 4o's smaller terrace anything from £90 upwards depending on the state they are in


            • Oh these are not roomy.... couldnt swing cat in them (not that anyone would swing a cat) The gardens are big 100-200 ft but rooms are tenny and downstairs bathroom only
              When we love, we always strive to become better than we are.

              When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.

              Paulo Coelho


              • Its mad innit?

                Poor kids have absolutely no chance these days., they'll have to wait until we pop off before they can own a house, or ship us off into a home!


                • I'm going in no home! me and OH want a caravan by a river (that dont flood) and we'll be happy!


                  • Lukes parents and my parents helped us with a deposit for the brighton flat we just got really realy lucky and sold when the market was high, we made just under100k for that.

                    If it hadnt been for that we would never be able to afford anything, renting round here just as bad the 2 bed house we are renting is 1000 a month
                    When we love, we always strive to become better than we are.

                    When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.

                    Paulo Coelho


                    • Correction: we were lucky enough to have good insurance so when it flooded we managed to make it beter than it was before:rolleyes:
                      When we love, we always strive to become better than we are.

                      When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.

                      Paulo Coelho


                      • Originally posted by iancognito View Post
                        Its mad innit?

                        Poor kids have absolutely no chance these days., they'll have to wait until we pop off before they can own a house, or ship us off into a home!
                        That will do me.
                        Borrow money from a pessimist -- they don't expect it back.


                        • Oh I'd die I thought council houses were dear enough they are about 60 to 70 quid a week now round here tis unbelievable what people pay down south, and like you say tiny houses. It's like hong Kong jeez


                          • Originally posted by Happyolddog View Post
                            That will do me.
                            You want to go in a home HOD why?


                            • this is the reason I am always skint
                              When we love, we always strive to become better than we are.

                              When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.

                              Paulo Coelho


                              • Originally posted by enaid View Post
                                You want to go in a home HOD why?
                                I wont have to do the cleaning and cooking.
                                Borrow money from a pessimist -- they don't expect it back.


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