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  • stop moving it lugger......lol
    was enjoying the view.....lol
    how is lugger and enaid today???


    • i'm fine and you?
      So do I just go on to favs click on and I will see a different view?


      • you lucky sod Lugger,

        I have a view of the road and neighbours houses, oh and occasionally a drunk might walk/crawl bye. I will have to move home soon, just hope I can afford a view.

        Best wishes,
        Borrow money from a pessimist -- they don't expect it back.


        • Good evening enaid, LuggerBugs, RLJ, veilside01702
          Borrow money from a pessimist -- they don't expect it back.


          • That is lovely, make sure you don't leave ti pointing inwards, you know that veilside will get all excited and he will tell everyone as well pmsl.


            • You just need to press refresh every so often Enaid.

              Hang on, I'll see if it's light enough to show the bomb site that is my office just now.
              My Blog


              • Hi Hod
                I'm stuck in work cause Mrs RLJ god bless her in her wisdom has gone home with my car keys


                • thats dead good, I like that, you are a messy so and so though lol


                  • I've saved it lugger and refreshed but still got the rocket!


                    • LOOK. There's a little beagle overlayed in the top left.
                      My Blog


                      • Hmm. Refreshing SHOULD clear out your cache and load in the newest pic. That rocket's a lighthouse, by the way.

                        Now I know it works, though, I'll have to see if I can buy a better quality camera.

                        And that mess is CAG work, I'll have you know, enaid. I'll point it back out the window.
                        My Blog


                        • hi hod.....nice to see ya...
                          my cat had another fit today.....
                          I'm really worried now...she had blood coming outta her mouth.......
                          she seems better now....but am worried she is getting worse...

                          hi enaid.....I don't swing that way....
                          What would I be telling peeps......the colour of luggers pants??


                          • Ok explain the two big balls??????????


                            • Evening all, just thought I would pop by.

                              Was very dark/wet/windy when we got up this morning, himself was having second thoughts about going, but I insisted.

                              Anyway, when we got there at just after 8, all the gazebos had gone walkabout in the wind last night, so we helped them get them all back into place, and the kids distributed the tables to each of the stalls.

                              Wasn't a busy as it could have been, but the sun came out about 2pm, and it's been glorious ever since, infact I have a headache now from the brightness.

                              Took at total of about £20.... so sales wise not that successful, but all I spent money on while there was coffee and bacoin butties!

                              Anyway, taking my poorly head to bed soon, just catching up on a bit of stuff.

                              Speak to you all tomorrow!

                              Delta X


                              • That latest is our wee bit of garden on the cliff edge.
                                My Blog


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