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  • Oh guys I just been reading and catching up and you've reduced my to tears. Thanks for all your kind words you really are all so kind. Now remember I have the help of some pretty fantastic people on here and I am convinced that all will be ok eventually, and if its not, hey ho they can't hang you for it can they

    Enaid i'm sure your Moorcroft problem will sort itself out pretty soon hun.

    Regarding the problem page, it is such a pleasure to do, you don't know how much laughter there is here when i'm trying to reply, some of you are sooooo funny with the remarks etc. God sometimes I think I should be sitting with boxes of tissues around me I laugh so much.

    Anyway thanks for your support everyone. Oh and the suns coming out here in Essex. Is that right that Fendy is going on holiday soon, hmmmm I don't believe that she's mentioned that before ffs

    Wonder if Mrs LB would consider loaning out Mr LB for a few days, I've got a pile of paperwork thats needs sorting, a neck that needs massaging, lips that need kissing and my car needs cleaning, oooh I got loads of jobs for you Lugger any time your ready hun.

    Last edited by Sapphire; 13th July 2007, 14:27:PM.


    • Love yer post sapphire but get in the queue for lugger love lol


      • 30 mins to home time, and no more work for 2 weeks. YEEEHHAAAY


        • I hope you have got all your work done!!!!!!!!!
          One more word about holidays i swear i will join the sally army


          • Ok i'm in the queue for LUGGER LURVE

            PK so are we to understand that you won't be online for a fortnight or have you a pc at home hun. If not have a great break.



            • Originally posted by sapphire View Post
              PK so are we to understand that you won't be online for a fortnight or have you a pc at home hun. If not have a great break.

              No such luck , sorry

              Ive got pc at home, but probably wont be on as much with wifey there and the 2 kids annoying me.

              I go away early friday morning


              • No 1 on my Birth Day Frankie Lane, "I Beleive". Sorry I dont remember I was only just born!!!


                • Originally posted by veilside01702 View Post
                  hey delta.......
                  Need your help in finding beads for a necklace I wanna make.....

                  Hi Russ

                  I know Delta can really help you, just wanted to add there's a Scottish based bead co. I know of if you need to source the beads:- www.silverthistlebeads.com

                  you're all getting creative eh!



                  • Wassat? Beagle of the month? Wots the prize, then.

                    A dozen tins of pedigree chum????
                    Would we be so ungenerous? No here's you prize winging its way over but for gods sake don't tell the pig!!


                    • Hi Nuddy you ok, not me dear no, I used to knit but not any more don't do much now I've got this tinternet


                      • I'm in the queue too!


                        • Poor Nattie. How's he supposed to hear anything now?????

                          OK, I'm going to TRY to play catch up on the posts I've missed. I'm putting me feet up, so to speak.
                          My Blog


                          • ave yer got a cocktail yet???????
                            or is it a tad early????????


                            • I used to make wedding dresses and make curtains and stuff, that was creative, but Enaid you're so right - tis easier with tinternet!

                              Hey everyone, did anyone realise IT'S FRIIIIIIIIIIIIDAAAAAAAAAAAAAY

                              oh yep, poor Nattie's ears - my dog had a good old chew on some of those last week!!!!


                              • mine has one everyday at teatime and one when we have done the shopping. We got her a trotter once and as it was quite big she put it under our bed to hide it, it stunk the house out. She only gets the ears now lol.
                                Tis Friday I feel a cocktail coming on meself lol


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