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  • Bloody hell I cannot believe it, its raining here



    • I've never seen rain like what we are having at the mo, it's coming straight down at a million miles an hour.


      • yea been raining here for most of the day......
        had car in for service today and cam belt change cost me nearly 400 quid!!! god i cant believe it...apparently all the plastic thingies were snapped on it and was ready to go at any time!!
        ah well going away in a week...yipeee
        even if i have no money to go with!!lol


        • Hi Archer,
          nice about Hedgey eh?
          You will have a good holiday, a change is as good as a rest and boy do you need one Enaid xx


          • Still cheaper than a new engine though archer.
            My Blog


            • Morning Folks,
              Still very wet here, clouds are breaking up though so may brighten up later hopefully.
              Suppose the big topic today will be the OFT thing with the banks, still find it unbelievable no one knew.
              They keep going on about a court case today on the news, anyone know what that's about?


              • The "Test Case" starts today and could take up to a year to come to a result. That'll cost a few bob then, lets just hope the courts get it right


                • Excuse me for being a little cynical but this is just a shrewd move by the banks to stem the tide of claims, rake in more in charges and drag their feet on a solution.

                  Remains to be seen now what will happen on existing cases, including Tom Brennan's, and whether the judge who has called for disclosure by YB and A&L sticks to his guns and insists the cases go ahead.

                  Given the way things were moving, the timing of this decision is remarkable :rolleyes:


                  • Do you think that the banks know the result of the Tom Brennan case then?
                    I thought no one was to know until Monday


                    • Whether they know or not, its a pretty good way of forestalling any court action in which a decision may go against them, question is, will the judges want to be manipulated in this way by the banks, or will they see it as an easy cop-out?


                      • Just seen a postman no strike today then? You may get your cheque then Delta, fingers crossed for you.


                        • Well for a postal strike I am very impressed by the non ervice today, the regular postie Dave has been with the usual junk, and the SD guy has just come with take 2 of the cheque.................... it's here and it's bankable!

                          Just gotta wait for my Amtrak driver to come with my Kleeneze order and then I can head down to the bank.

                          Also waiting for a couple of books to come (to show me how to make flowers) so hopefully the van will be in the street soon too.


                          • He He Delta, money money money, It won't clear till next week which is another ball ache, but you got your dosh, by the way we can still carry on with credit card claims, so away we go again lol Enaid x


                            • Well cheque has been banked, now just waiting for it to clear, and I have just treated myself, just been and had a set of gel nails attatched to my fingers, only went into to book an appointment, but the customer she was waiting for didn't turn up so she did them for me then!

                              Wooooo woooo spent all of £27 to celebrate!


                              • Well done, thats one charge disposed of, what are you gonna do with the rest?


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