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FMB Fanclub

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  • Re: FMB Fanclub

    Morning, I hope your not still drinking lol.
    What a change we have in the weather today missing down here.


    • Re: FMB Fanclub

      piffing down here too

      Oh, and I am on the coffee at the moment, what kind of lush do you take me for girl? hic


      • Re: FMB Fanclub

        Just a normal one that frequents this site lol, well must be 90% of the peeps on here like a drink lol. Keeps one sane


        • Re: FMB Fanclub

          Glad I had a drink last night, helped me cope with two calls from my lovely credit card company in 5 mins! Which bit of feck off and only talk to me in writing is soooooooo hard for them to grasp?

          I can only assume that I should have written it in crayon with likkle pictures to help them understand


          • Re: FMB Fanclub

            Originally posted by Delta View Post
            talk to me in writing
            lol :roll:


            • Re: FMB Fanclub

              What tickles me is that the 3 I spoke to yesterday are obviously not of English descent, I don't know if Cap One have an overseas call centre, but two of them were called Michelle and Jenny.....I figure they are using a persona, well I get paid to do that too, and my clients/customers are satsified cos I listen/read what they are saying and respond accordingly.

              Tip for call centre workers.... deviate from the script and be orignal, your retention rate is sooooo much better


              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                Well some of you may remember my rant a couple of months ago, about transport for my daughter to her Day center being stopped. The reason given was that as she has a motability car, she has to use this to go to the center. To provide transport for her would be a double benefit so to speak. No matter that she can't drive herself and has behavioural problems a driver and escort are needed to take her and pick her up. We are not happy about this but after 2 appeals and much moaning we have got nowhere.
                Today however I have been to the bank to open an account for my daughters Direct Payment to go into. This is a benefit which is paid to people to cover the costs of a service not provided by the Local Authority. This is now transport lol.
                Sorry to laugh but you may too when you hear the rest.
                My daughter has been allowed 20 hours a week for a driver and an escort to take her to and from the center. The said people will be coming from an agency (all vetted etc) by the way.
                Now I am not a very bright person but , and correct me if I am wrong. I think the cost of this will far out weigh the cost of the shared mini bus plus escort, that we did pay a cost towards, that has been removed.
                I have a meeting in the morning to be shown how to manage this money and what have you. When I do find out the costs I will let you know.
                I know a lot of you have little or no interest in things like this. If you have no dealings with people with Learning Difficulties etc then you are oblivious to what goes on and what doesn't.
                The only thing I will say is you could end up caring for someone yourselves and believe me if you don't try and keep your eye on the ball with these things, you will be left to do it alone.


                • Re: FMB Fanclub

                  Glad you're getting somewhere with this Enaid. :banana:You're right, the cost will probably be more than it would have been for her to still have the minibus, but I suppose the money is coming out of a different budget - thats how all these lot work, you can't have it out of this budget, but there's money in that budget blah blah, no matter that its costing them more in the end! Not to mention all the time and effort and grief you've put in!! Loads of palaver but it looks like you've (almost) got a result. Just shows that these things can be sorted if you've got the get up and go to do it. Although I think my get up and go has got up and gone
                  Is no longer here


                  • Re: FMB Fanclub

                    If only Local Authorities had someone intelligent managing them eh?

                    We have three such centres near us and they have their own disabled minibus (well the bus isn't disabled but you know what I mean) and the staff drive and escort between the 3 which is probably the cheapest solution all round.

                    Worse case I ever heard of was a neighbours son being denied Kidney Dialysis because he was disabled and nearly 40 and funding was tight, needless to say, that one was fought and won too.


                    • Re: FMB Fanclub

                      I can understand you enaid.
                      I dont know if you remember the story a few months ago about Thomas Lindley who lived in Katherine House, Ashton.
                      He is a good friend of my mum and I have known him all my live.
                      They were shutting down the home he lived in and were transfering him to another home, which was not the same as all the other people, basically his family.
                      Council said that the other home did not have the resources to accomadate him and he would have to go elsewhere.

                      At one stage he was the only resident left at Katherine House as all the others had been moved, so he had 24 hour staffing at a home for over 20 residents all to himself.

                      Heres the story



                      • Re: FMB Fanclub

                        the whole council system is a joke if you ask me,you cannot get any where by asking cos you speak to different people each time you call and all say different things!
                        my cousin on the other hand (low life that he is!) has a disabled son who needs transport schooling for special needs etc ,knew all his rights and got evrything he wanted and more! then went and spent it all on drugs! thankfully he doesnt have care of his son anymore,but it makes you sick .the people who need it dont get it.... the world is so twisted


                        • Re: FMB Fanclub

                          I know what you mean Archer, I do get or I thought I got all that our Tilly was entitled to and was, well cant say over the moon with what she gets , but it is enough for her to live on.
                          Till they messed about with what is a restricted life as it is I would never have even bothered claiming anything else. She has been entitled to one of these benefits for years as well.
                          I also know that the transport cost is taken from the Local Council now and the other benefit is coming from Central Govt. Initially though it is coming from the tax payer and an already struggling pot of money. How much longer will it last, that's what I want to know?


                          • Re: FMB Fanclub

                            Morning all


                            • Re: FMB Fanclub

                              Not only is it a naff day weather wise, it's a work day boo hoo. I also have a book keeping lesson with this woman this morning, then we have to go and see some cars (dead exciting) long as it goes it does for me lol.
                              Then work till 9.30, may be ready for a cocktail then me thinks lol if I can keep me eyes open.


                              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                                Well stage one is over, I had my instructions on how to run the Direct Payment account lol.
                                Tilly has been awarded 2 people at £8.55 an hour for 20 hours per week to take her and bring her back from the day center. Very nice, this will start on 17th Sept.............. watch this space (well only if your interested) lol
                                Picked a car, never even sat in it, looks nice though lol.
                                Going to work soon, then all my todays problems will be sorted. Thanks for listening lol. Enaid xx


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