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FMB Fanclub

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  • Re: FMB Fanclub

    Nope that works for me, just topping up what I had last night lol


    • Re: FMB Fanclub

      Good, :alchie:


      • Re: FMB Fanclub

        Let the party begin :alchie::jd::alchie::jd::banana:


        • Re: FMB Fanclub

          :roll::banana::jd::jd::jd::fight::fight::jd::jd::j d::fight::crazy:


          • Re: FMB Fanclub

            pish pots:rolleyes:


            • Re: FMB Fanclub

              lol yup i agree!
              pish pots indeed


              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                You called?


                • Re: FMB Fanclub

                  lol you lot are celebrating in style!
                  ive got one at school and one at home still til the middle of next week....cant come quick enough!
                  still house hunting for mom its taking ages to find something for her.....
                  and new job tomorrow so im off to find a map of me new area ....have fun all :argh:


                  • Re: FMB Fanclub

                    If I don't get chance later Archer, all the best for tomorrow and your new job.
                    How is Jet now she is back home?
                    You will have to keep me posted on her you know, I love dogs especially staffies lol.
                    Just at the mo though our little girl is doing a bit too much trumping lol
                    she is out doing the OH which is not something to boast about. She also smells worse than he has ever done, but I won't tell him that pmsl


                    • Re: FMB Fanclub

                      My daughter is back at school tomorrow, got everything sorted, only problem will be getting her out of bed lol. Must be fair though, at her age I have't seen much of her, school hols aren't so traumatic as they get older! Apart from the inevitable "can you come home in your lunch break and run me to the stables please?2 A small price to pay for not having the hassle of childminders to sort out. I remember when the kids were small I used to have to have a big colourcoded chart to remind me where they were supposed to be being minded at each day
                      Is no longer here


                      • Re: FMB Fanclub

                        Ewwwww enaid, you really didn't want to be in our house this morning, hmmm the OH could be the reason why the kids were out of the house on time.

                        He really is evil, and is followed (very closely) by my daughter... for a girlie she really does stink!


                        • Re: FMB Fanclub

                          you know what, saying that my daughters are way worse than my lads at smells! especially the smallest one she thinks its great to bend over in front of her brother and let one go!!! yes i tell her off but i dont think she can hear me over her hysterics!!
                          and the puppy doggy is back home,picked her up on the way back and she cant half let them go as well! i need some more freshener
                          she is lovely though and getting very large!! shes now 13 weeks old!


                          • Re: FMB Fanclub

                            LOl aren't kids great!

                            my eldest lad can clear a room if he takes his trainers off


                            • Re: FMB Fanclub

                              I'm getting frunk again, anyone care to join me? :jd::alchie:


                              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                                Morning all


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