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FMB Fanclub

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  • Re: FMB Fanclub

    Thought I'd let the street's air before I ventured out, Lots of sunshine now and I'm at work for another day of whatever it is I do.

    Time for tea and toast I think, good when the company provides breakfast too!!!


    • Re: FMB Fanclub

      Tea and toast. A SPLENDID idea.

      And WELCOME BACK, FENDY. :banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::b anana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::ban ana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banan a::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana: :banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::b anana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::ban ana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banan a::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana: :banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::b anana::banana:
      My Blog


      • Re: FMB Fanclub

        blummin ell Lugger...my poor ole tired eyes can't cope with all those nanas.
        10 hours of night shift compleated...... feel about ready to drop..... no point trying yet though.... my mind is still playing the... you would'nt let me sleep when i was tired......... so now I'm gonna stay awake...lol
        so now just sitting and chilling....waiting for it too catch up with the rest of my body..lol


        • Re: FMB Fanclub

          Yaeh I'm just on coffee and toast too. Got a meeting in Warwick today and loads of paperwork to get ready for it so got here at 8am only to find I'd left my keys on my desk yesterday and couldn't get in. Had to wait till boss got here and am now mega behind and gottta leave at 10 so better get on with it.

          Lugger - that sounds a bit like our Jerry also:crazy:
          Is no longer here


          • Re: FMB Fanclub

            Morning All,

            Another bright sunny day, just what you need when you're stuck in an office.


            • Re: FMB Fanclub

              guy's please check out my natwest thread.....desperate advice needed!!!!



              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                Are you ok now Tempty?
                Pk has just posted have a read take a deep breath, it will be ok I am sure.
                Still can't understand why your bundle had to be in so early, there has to be a reason and I personally think it's only for the good.


                • Re: FMB Fanclub

                  Well good morning folks,
                  It looks quite nice out but is a bit chilly, suppose it'll warm up later.
                  Hope you are a bit calmer this morning Tempty, now you are rested. I will be flapping like you are next week if I don't here anything and the lad has to go to court. Up to now he says he is going lol, but it will be very much like learning a film script next Thursday night if we have not heard anything. I mean how do you learn the reasons for claiming your charges back in an hour? pmsl I have been at this now for 10 month and have only a vague idea lol.
                  Anyway thats another day and another story, hope everyone is ok see you later.


                  • Re: FMB Fanclub

                    Morning All

                    Looks like i will only be online during work hours for the moment thanks to Sky.

                    The last couple of day my broadband dropped to 400k, so last night i called themand they are changing equipment at the exchange and dont know how it will take!!

                    At the moment i can get online quicker on my mobile,,lol

                    Anyway how is everyone else this morning


                    • Re: FMB Fanclub

                      I know I'm hijacking this thread, but as there are horsey peeps on here, I'll ask anyway. I just need a quick opinion anyhow, so I won't start a new thread.

                      OK, say a charity has a contract to hire a riding establishment's facilities for £x per session. A signed agreement details this, as well as the services to be included by the riding school (having horses in, brushed, and tacked up, etc).

                      Riding school decides that, to save having to charge charity VAT etc, facilities will now be provided through the rding club. No new contract drawn up. Also informs charity that fees will probably need to increase. This information on a verbal basis.

                      As riding establishment is potentially up for sale, charity decides to relocate to other premisis. Riding establishment sends statements, which demand payment up until date charity will vacate. But which also demands extra £5 per session, backdated to Novmber 2006.

                      Question is, do they have any right to do this? Only told verally of increase, as well as backdating the increase without any agreement verbally or otherwise seems rather unfair to me, but is it unlawful? I personally think written notice should have been given, say 28 days in advance of any increase at the very least, to give said charity the opportunity to change venue if they disagreed with the increase.

                      But that's me, and I'm fuming, as our treasurer seems to think we have a moral duty to pay this money.

                      By the way, 9 times out of 10, the charity had to turn up early to prepare the horses, so the riding school was already in breach of at least part of the agreement.
                      My Blog


                      • Re: FMB Fanclub

                        Originally posted by LuggerBugs View Post

                        OK, say a charity has a contract to hire a riding establishment's facilities for £x per session. A signed agreement details this, as well as the services to be included by the riding school (having horses in, brushed, and tacked up, etc).

                        Riding school decides that, to save having to charge charity VAT etc, facilities will now be provided through the rding club. No new contract drawn up. Also informs charity that fees will probably need to increase. This information on a verbal basis. What Date?

                        As riding establishment is potentially up for sale, charity decides to relocate to other premisis. Riding establishment sends statements, which demand payment up until date charity will vacate. But which also demands extra £5 per session, backdated to Novmber 2006.
                        How are payments currently made? annual, monthly etc?

                        By the way, 9 times out of 10, the charity had to turn up early to prepare the horses, so the riding school was already in breach of at least part of the agreement.
                        Were they informed of this? and how?
                        I dont think they can legally back charge future increases


                        • Re: FMB Fanclub

                          I don't know a lot about this, but to me it's like a gentlemans agreement and is not binding or anyway enforcable.


                          • Re: FMB Fanclub

                            I don't think that they can legally enforce this.
                            I would send them a letter disputing the back payments explaining that this was not put in writing and there was no new contract. Also mention that they did not keep to their part of the original because you had to get horses ready, so a credit (or at least part credit) should be allowed for this.
                            Hopefully the credit should take care of the back payments. If your treasurer insists on paying perhaps some halfway house could be agreed?
                            (Or out vote him!)

                            Only thing to watch is that if they don't play ball, they could put the bills back onto the School and you might end up paying the VAT.

                            I used to be a VAT inspector, I'll look up the rules on charities and VAt, might take a while cos boss is in but will post later if I can.
                            Is no longer here


                            • Re: FMB Fanclub

                              Thanks folks
                              My Blog


                              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                                Morning all
                                feeling much better Today, thanks guy's for all the advice and support yesterday, was dog tired and really not thinking straight.
                                Am trying to get my head round sorting my bundle out today....time is ticking on and I want to make sure I get it right
                                I may well be asking a few questions later ....lol


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