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  • Enaid ... Love the new avatar:slayer::slayer::slayer::slayer:
    When we love, we always strive to become better than we are.

    When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.

    Paulo Coelho


    • Morning,
      thought it was too good to last, tis raining well I suppose if we get the sun every other day, tis better than not at all like last month.


      • Morning All
        Lovely Sunny Day over here
        Glad yesterday is over.
        Son fell on trampoline, and couldnt't move his leg, so ended up at casualty.
        No broken bones, but he cant walk on it, just twisted/sprained his knee.
        He is still in pain and was crying in his sleep last night, but he wont even try to move it (although he can), and just cries everytime he wants to do something.
        Sure he wil be ok by end of today though, he will want to do something and will move then.

        Anyway how has everyones elses weekend been?


        • Hello everyone. Lovely sunny day here. Had a great weekend (apart from work on Saturday till 3.30). Went out for a curry on Saturday night, up at the crack of dawn yesterday for a horse show with Jessie, gorgeous sunny day all day, got back home at 7 and had some friends round for a barbeque to make up for the one we had in the rain last week.

          And now its a lovely sunny day and I'm stuck in work till 4.30. Oh well....
          Is no longer here


          • Hi Wendy, Hi PK,
            Sorry about the little en pk but thats boys for you, all tough till they hurt, it's not something they grow out of either sadly.
            How did the show go Wendy? any prizes, seems ages since we spoke, bet it's not though lol.


            • Show was good. Jess was riding someone else's pony, cos Jerry just had his back done so laying him off the jumping for a few weeks, just getting him fit again and working him gentle, although he's like a different pony at the mo, never seen him so collected!! So she was riding Buzz, Welsh section B, he's up for sale so they want him to get about a bit. Anyway, she came 3rd in Junior Best Rider, 10 in the class, so in good company. Then 3rd in ridden M & M, again in very good company, so all in all a good day. Saw a lovely Welsh section D, 14.3, probably make 15.1, only 4, and for sale soon. Unfortunately he's £3700 so we can't afford him (could just about afford one hoof at the moment) And she never wants to sell Jerry so can't have another one till she can pay for its rent herself! Buzz's owner pays her to ride her ponies though, only 15 quid a week but it all helps. She'd have done it fro free, but now she's getting paid for something she enjoys..
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              • Omar who I had from 10month old was supposedly a section d, I was hoping he wouldn't go over 15 and possibly stay about 14.2 so I could get on and off lol.He grew to a good 16 so I had to say bye bye, I did enjoy looking after him and he had the best start I could give him. He went to a lovely home who won't part with him.
                It's great that your daughter is getting a bit of money towards the upkeep, it's an arm and a leg to keep just pleasure ponies (as I call them ) without the expense of the showing bit.


                • Tell me about it!!!! Only thing is she'd rather spend it on clothes and make up! Have told her to put 5 quid a week away to help in the winter with hay etc. price of hay will be through the roof this year cos it'll be in short supply cos of the rotten weather...
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                  • What's the situation about selling horses just now? I assume that as they are not cloven hoofed animals, there are no restrictions in place with this foot and mouth outbreak?
                    My Blog


                    • Not heard anything Lugger but the horses are all out and about round here, we are closer than you yet still no where near the outbreak
                      Does that have anything to do with Pepsi?


                      • No restrictions on horse movements. We keep our pony on a farm where there are also sheep. Sheep are not allowed to move but horses can. no disinfectant to drive through, although we all change footwear on entering/leaving the yard. The sheep are kept well away from us, none of us have to go near them. However, lambs are due to go for slaughter soon and have been told that they will be allowed to move them for this purpose, and this was also allowed during the 2001 outbreak.
                        Is no longer here


                        • Thank goodness for that. I did wonder anyway cos our local agricultural show was supposed to be on this week. No livestock, but the horse events are alwys well attended. Except I've just found out today that it's flooded and canceled anyway. And there is a wee village had a landslide, and 30 folks have had to be evacuated.
                          My Blog


                          • How's it going with Pepsi?
                            Is no longer here


                            • Not good. Everybody wants a bombproof little darling, and she fails on 2 out of 3. Neither bombproof nor little. But she is my darling.

                              One guy semmed really interested. But he wanted me to put her in foal, and he'd consider her.

                              Not quite the life I envisaged for her, so needless to say, I've still got her.
                              My Blog


                              • How not bombproof is she?? Let me have some details and I'll ask around, do you want to sell or loan? I'll pm you my email address, althoguh it will be my work one cos still have no internet connection at home
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