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archer V natwest ***WON***

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  • well the date is nearly here now and according to parky theyve never put a bundle into court!! how ridiculous!
    but this close and no contact...i cant see it boding well! theres only 4 more post days til i go to court!


    • how much u claiming for hedgey i cant remember?


      • Ooooo archer............ I'm only claiming 1136, but with court fees and interest it's coming to just over 1500 now. Bet you a tenner they'll settle just before you're due to go to court. They'll drag it out and drag it out............. then they'll probs make you an offer at the last minute. It must be absolutely nerve racking to be where you are right now, and I really feel for you babe. But try to have a lovely weekend - safe in the knowledge that next weekend you'll be out treating yourself and the kids to whatever you fancy!!!!! xxxxxxx


        • hedgey every little helps if ur anything like me! i always say donations are gratefully received!!! lol
          well we'll have to see what the week brings.....its going to be soooooo busy cos its new catalogue season Autumn and Winter catalogues are stacked in the hall as we speak and ive told my lads i need a hand so they better get their butts into gear cos i have some more coming thursday!! so hopefully ill be too busy working to get too stressed.but tuesday i shall be writing out the points i will be making in court in case i just freeze!!


          • Ooooooo......... I'm a firm believer in slave labour babe!!! Get the kids helping you out - it's character building!!!! D'ya know, I saw a script that someone used in court - trying to think where it was???? Give me 10 mins and I'll try to find it for you!! xxxxxxxxx


            • oo that would be good
              yea and slave labour... they never give me a hand with anything! at all! so it would be nice for a change! and i will give them something for it but dont tell them its a secret!


              • im soo tired,so ill catch up tomorrow.night all


                • archer, I'll post on your other thread - can't get the link to work here!!!! xxxx


                  • Have a look at your other thread.............. could be really useful for you right now!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxx


                    • My kids are forever helping me with my catalogues and orders, in fact they came home from school today, unpacked the delivery, sorted the orders out and off they went!

                      Just got rid of one of them, Andrew has gone to stay with his grandma (well she isn't but we call her that...my other half's mum), and that means that Victoria has said she will do the catalogues in the morning.

                      She doesn't know it yet, but there is a summer fare on at the local primary school (the one she used to go to, and the one my son is at), I think it's for church funds actually, but I'm gonna take her to it, she likes things like that.


                      • Awwww Delta, I think it's lovely when the kids help out with our stuff, I really do! They get a bit of a buzz out of helping mum and dad and it makes them feel really important........... and so it should......... important little things that they are!!!! Keep up the good work hun............ it's only making them feel special to mum and dad- and that can't be a bad thing can it??? Lovely little peeps............... thank God we've got them!!! xxxxxxxxx


                        • I am especially proud of them still wanting to do it after what happened to them both last weekend, but they both know that they did nothing wrong, and the fact that I got the police involved has helped them I think, plus my son's headteacher has been keeping an eye on him this week.


                          • If you ask me, sounds like you've got a little pair of diamonds delta! Tisn't your fault that the scum of the earth roam the land............... but thank God that our own kids are lovely and decent little peeps who know the difference. Think we need a seperate little fan club for our little peeps who keep us sane (even though they drive us insane sometimes!!!) and who make everything better for us and make us realise that there's always someone more important than us. And boy........ are they good at doing that!!!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


                            • delta wish my kids were more helpful...
                              well hopefully will get some done today and tomorrow.... but both of the little ones are ill ....
                              ill go OTR to have a look hedgey


                              • ok i have a prob and im really angry.
                                i cant phone them to yell at them cos its saturday!!
                                i have just received a letter with a cheque BUT dont get excited!!!
                                its not for the full amount i asked for its about £800 less due to the 6yr limit
                                i need some help....they have sent me the letter saying legal fees out weigh value of claim etc,service fees unfounded??? only put a list of costs in the bundle which im sure they havent read!

                                no disclosure...well thats redundant!
                                write to court to withdraw claim as its so close,enclosed discontinuation forms to send.
                                any charges in future will be applied,if im unwilling to acceptthen account will be down graded!!
                                OK,they havent read my bundle because i have included case law for the 6yr limitation.and ive included the tax credit act also.....
                                WHAT DO I DO NOW!!!!!! its wednesday! cant i phone NatWest today or do i have to wait til monday to talk to cobbetts?


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