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  • I'd rather do that than sit there bloody forgotten!!!!!!!!!!!!


    • Originally posted by enaid View Post
      I'd rather do that than sit there bloody forgotten!!!!!!!!!!!!
      I would have company, better than being home alone on a friday night.
      Borrow money from a pessimist -- they don't expect it back.


      • you are not alone now are you?
        All yer virtuals are here for gods sake!
        You have a nice dog if you need to cuddle something!
        Have you got a drink ?
        What more does one need?


        • I think we are all alone this friday night or we wouldnt be on here!!!!
          When we love, we always strive to become better than we are.

          When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.

          Paulo Coelho


          • Originally posted by enaid View Post
            you are not alone now are you?
            All yer virtuals are here for gods sake!
            You have a nice dog if you need to cuddle something!
            Have you got a drink ?
            What more does one need?
            Hooray for me virtual buddies,
            Dog stinks and is blind,
            Hooray for alcahol too,
            I need for nothing else, I am just a moaning old git,
            Book me into the home quick.

            Borrow money from a pessimist -- they don't expect it back.


            • twill be a very cheap one, single room, no bar, no entertainment, no leccie for pc, no pets, no menu choice, can't go out unattended and only once a month, bingo xmas day after your microwaved lunch. Do you want to go on Monday or Teusday?


              • Originally posted by enaid View Post
                twill be a very cheap one, single room, no bar, no entertainment, no leccie for pc, no pets, no menu choice, can't go out unattended and only once a month, bingo xmas day after your microwaved lunch. Do you want to go on Monday or Teusday?
                It sounds a bit of a flea pit!

                I think I will sit tight here and keep my gob shut........thanks!

                Best wishes,
                Borrow money from a pessimist -- they don't expect it back.


                • Thought so, now stop bloody moaning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pmsl


                  • Originally posted by enaid View Post
                    twill be a very cheap one, single room, no bar, no entertainment, no leccie for pc, no pets, no menu choice, can't go out unattended and only once a month, bingo xmas day after your microwaved lunch. Do you want to go on Monday or Teusday?
                    Sounds like a raisin factory to me..


                    • Morning guys,

                      No rain yet, not that is makes any difference, painting today if anyone wants to join me, got plenty of paintbrushes and coffee, probably no milk tho as is the norm first thing in the morning.

                      See veilside had a busy morning!


                      • Morning peeps, well its quite bright here but there's dark clouds on the horizon.
                        Its Ok Jan I'll give the paining a miss this week, thanks for the offer. We finished our hall, stairs and landing last week so am taking a rest this weekend before I start on kitchen (just the ceiling to do), bathrooms (just the ceilings in them also), Bedrooms urgggggh big jobs but will be worth it, we've got to strip wallpaper, make good and instead of paying for the walls to be plastered I've been using Base Coat Undercoat its brilliant the walls come out just as they been re-plastered, then the whole house will be done. No wallpaper just plain painted walls yipeeeee !
                        Oh yes Russ has been a busy bee this morning lol, anyway I'm off now to the gym (soon) and then some shopping. Talk laters peeps.



                        • Morning All,
                          It's not looking too good here either! not raining yet though.
                          I too must decline the painting offer Jan thanks anyway, I am going to have to tackle some serious domestics. Things just get neglected for one thread or another lol.
                          I bet Russ is not up till dinner time, all that typing and all


                          • morning/evening y`all
                            RBS £2,336.31p *Settled* - RBS £104 *Settled* - Cap One *Settled by default* - A&L - In Progress

                            `All advise offered by myself is from my own personnel experience and not from professional experience, if in doubt seek advise from a qualified professional!`

                            `Emotions are like your mothers breasts, you know where they are but best left unfelt!`


                            • Morning here Ken lol, are you ok?


                              • Good morning..... bit dubious here too.... never mind, dont need the weather for the day I have got ahead, Tescos, ironing blah blah


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