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FMB Fanclub

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  • Goddamn Kids

    So the plan is, we all get up early, I make them a load of butties and himself takes the kids and the dog to Manchester Airport for the day, so I can have a day to myself.

    So off they go, I look in the kitchen, hmmm about 3 washerloads, that'll do me. Then I venture into the kids bedrooms for coat hangers, and come down with another 3 washer loads (dunno if it all needs washing, but it's screwed up at the bottom of the wardrobe, under the bed, behind the desks, that sort of crap)

    Then I gets the phonecall..... kids were playing, Victoria threw a plastic bottle at Andrew and he now has a half inch long split in his head! apparently not bleeding much, and a nice clean split, so he's stuck him back together with plasters (I didn't even know there was a first aid kit in the car) and they are now on their way home.

    Next time I get a day to myself I am piffing off out for the day! and leaving my phone at home!



    • Re: FMB Fanclub


      Where's Fendy? Has she got lost trying to tidy her garden.
      My Blog


      • Re: FMB Fanclub

        I have been awake for ages, I have been on my own as well for ages. That is not good for someone with a nervous disposition like myself.
        Fendy will probably still be doing her washing and ironing.
        My sister is going to the Dominion Republic next week I hope they will be ok.


        • Re: FMB Fanclub

          Morning everyone
          beautifull sunny day here and I've got another day of sitting in front of the computer getting my bundle sorted planned. Gripping stuff I know

          My court has informed me this morning that stays are being applied for and in most cases being awarded, but that they are being looked at as individual cases!. Hopefully with the information Kafka has provided me I'll be able to push my case forward and avoid a stay.

          On that note I have a request for anyone that's beaten Natwest and had thier case settled out of court. I need to gather as many case numbers as possible to support my claim that Natwest have no intention of deffending this claim in court and are using the OFT test case purely as an excuse to delay payment on my claim and that in many previous cases they have settled out of court. I don't need names... just the case numbers themselves. And the court they were allocated to.
          I would be eternaly gratefull if any of you are willing and able to provide me with this information...... the better I arm myself the better my chances of avoiding or overthrowing an application for a stay become. you don't have to publish this information on the public forum and can if you wish send it to me via a Pm.

          I know I'm asking for something unusual here But once again I really would be very gratefull to anyone who can see thier way clear to providing this information and helping with my claim
          many thanks in advance


          • Re: FMB Fanclub

            7ZP00422, in Burnley Combined Courts


            • Re: FMB Fanclub

              Thanks Delta hun, you're a star


              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                Awwww. I wanted to help, but I don't have a beef with Nastywets.

                Although I think my lad had a student account with them. I think I need to lend him a tenner to get his statements.
                My Blog


                • Re: FMB Fanclub

                  lol lugger I know you would have helped hun
                  we can't all be nastywest haters ...lol


                  • Re: FMB Fanclub

                    how's things going?
                    have you managed to find a home for Pepsi yet?


                    • Re: FMB Fanclub

                      here are my details sweety 6QZ86740 and very proud of my achievement, I am too lol Enaid xx


                      • Re: FMB Fanclub

                        Awww thanks Enaid hun and so you should be, you deserved it
                        I'm proud of you too


                        • Re: FMB Fanclub

                          tempty mine is 7BM03138 birmingham county court.they didnt do a bundle and had no intention of either as i got the offer the day before the hearing and no bundle was submitted


                          • Re: FMB Fanclub

                            Can't get rid of Pepsi Tempty. I think she's here to stay.
                            My Blog


                            • Re: FMB Fanclub

                              Morning all,
                              lovely day again. Just a quick question, would you think there was anything wrong with a middle aged woman, whacking a Haggis at 7.15 on a Saturday morning :crazy:


                              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                                Morning all, its a lovely sunny day and its Petey bash day as well. Travelling at about 1pm to get to hotel/pub at 3pm. Anyway for those of you going to Manchester meet have a great time, don't forget the piccies and the gossip all have to be posted on a Manchester meet thread sunday or monday please

                                Oh Luggerbuggs I'd have taken Pepsi if you lived nearer to me hun, I'd love to have another horse.

                                Right time to go be nice to 'the old git', that will keep him happy whilst i'm away.

                                Talk laters,



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