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  • me too, funny that. Kent is looking pretty dire at the mo, mind it usually looks like this whenever I go back home whether its summer or not!


    • Well I was going out tonight, luckily I was able to weedle my way out of it and can spend some time on here annoying you lot. Bl**dy weather plays havoc with my brain.
      So how is everybody enjoying the summer?Nice avatar Nuddy.
      Borrow money from a pessimist -- they don't expect it back.


      • Hi all, sorry I haven't been round much today, but it's been one of them days, propbably cos it's the first one of the holidays and i have had enough now!

        Sent the kids out doing catalogues while I got on with making some more beaded things, now got 4 cats, a dolphin, a mermaid, a blue fairy and a blue flower, the fairy and the flower are the same as the ones in photobucket, just blue and not pink!

        Have got rid of one child until tomorrow night, the other one is playing with beads and the other half has gone to work, just watching Corrie while I wait for Eastenders


        • ! The avatar represents how I feel most of the time - bouncy but looking like the day after the night before!!

          Blimey Delta, what on earth are you doing with a dolphin and a mermaid - they don't mix with cats love!!


          • NOW who's annoying??????

            My Blog


            • Jeeeeeeeeez yep ones ok but a bunch of em!!!!!!!!!!!!


              • The bloody things are breeding.......help....nuddy.........
                get them under control.......lol
                Hi all.......
                How is everyone doing???


                • get Up And Out Of Bed, You Bunch Of Lazy Slackers!!!

                  it's Going To Be A Gorgeous Day And You Lot Are Wasting It.
                  My Blog


                  • That was supposed to be all in capitals, and the forum scripts has bollixed it up. :crazy:
                    My Blog


                    • It's not nice here in fact it's bloody awful.
                      We were going to go to Haydock tonight, it's looking like it may be off, must have been raining all night.
                      Roll on Christmas and get a new year in there can't possible be a worse year for weather than this!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:


                      • Morning

                        No sun here today either

                        Glad I've got the doors to paint......:rolleyes:


                        • Haydock rained off? Sounds like they might need to use SEAHORSES instead.

                          I'm off out with the pups if I can get them to wake up.
                          My Blog


                          • Morning all, its a beautiful day here, blue, blue skies and bright sunshine. Off to the gym in an wee while and then a bit of shopping etc. Talk laters all.
                            Oh Lugger, please tell me what puppies have you got hun ?



                            • Morning all, been up since about 5.30, and guess what..... it's raining (just for a change)


                              • Think there is only Scotland having any decent weather, It'll be becuase of the golf, we all know how important that is don't we :rolleyes:


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