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  • Post 3763, Mocha the council in their way of improving sevices really peed me off. Rant over now but will have to see how it pans out.


    • wow.
      When we love, we always strive to become better than we are.

      When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.

      Paulo Coelho


      • You'l get there Enaid. Just remember NOT to tear lumps out of anyone if they start to get on your nerves.

        What am I saying? What I mean is, batter f*ck out of them if they won't sort it out. With the soggy end of their legs, if you have to.
        My Blog


        • You always say the nicest things Lugger, and I can always relate to your advice.
          It has really got me down this last few days and usually things don't get to me that easy. I am always up for a scrap when fighting for things I am entitled to, but this time they have got me in knots, crafty B's. Anyway enough of me , how are you and did you switch your camera off? I was in the dark this morning?


          • Hi all
            home after what felt like forever locked me training room....no time for falling asleep this afternoon....twas exam time pmsl!!
            felt like i was back in school. oooooo the joy, gotta do it all again tomorrow..... apparently we do the hard stuff!!! thank god.... might actually be able to stave off the yawning and wanting to fall asleep at the desk lol. would'nt mind but none of what we did today actually had any refference to the job I'll be doing... ho hum... at least I got paid

            hubby is currently in the kitchen cooking me tea....aww bless im
            feel totaly brain dead.... and supprisingly knackered. oooo and got a sexy new uniform to wear tomorrow...........and NO I'm not posting pics PMSL.


            • Come on tempty how have you gone on? What is it tomorrow roll play?


              • AWWWWWWW go on go on go on. I got a uniform for work it's called a blouse it used to ba a tie, progress eh. Hope you like it anyway, it is money and it gives you a chance to meet other people.


                • I have no idea what they've got in store (no pun intended) for us tomorrow, just more exams i think..... although they did mention that they might want me to go in tomorrow night aswell to do some forklift training pmsl. i'm one of the very few with a license that allows me to do it....lol should have seen trainers face when he saw that on my license.


                  • That's brill tempty get on there girl, they pay more for that I am sure, it's not that easy to get i don't think either. Such a clever girl you are and I bet they have you on there pretty sharp, i think that is fantastic.


                    • hehe enaid
                      the uniform consists of those horrible nylon trousers...ya know the kind of material that sticks to ya in all the wrong places.. a polo shirt lovely royal blue lol it's a bit long though lol. and a lurvely navey blue fleece.
                      all of which i swear must have been designed by someone who is blind, seems to have the perfect ability to hide yer good curves and show off yer bad ones....thank god i'm working at night pmsl....

                      The people do seem nice though, i'm sure i'll fit in and enjoy it


                      • Evening All, how is everyone tonight


                        • Well we are going to SB's shopping again this week OH likes the peanuts, I got a nice piece of beef, bacon is ok and we got some lovely cakes. Only thing that weren't too good was the veg.
                          You will not fancy going some nights tis natural, but it stops you veggitating and what we all need a bit more dosh. Being an old F**t with a bit of advice gat on the pension scheme if you can, you won't miss the money and it will help later.


                          • All packed yet PKea, or does the little lady do it for you, bet the kids are getting all excited now, and maybe dad as well lol


                            • If I make it that far enaid I'll deffinatly sign up for the pension, you've gotta be there for 6 months before you get that, I'm hoping I'll be taken on after the temporary contract runs out.... I did ask if it was likely and was hinted that if I was able to other things aswell it was more then likely
                              can't see me wanting to stack shelfs forever....and i did say i would like to learn other things aswell
                              lol just call me miss flexible pmsl.

                              anyway enough about me, read your ealier post .... i do hope this chappie of yours can solve your problems when he comes on thursday!


                              • Its bedlam here, washing and ironing everywhere!!!
                                Wish I was at work, at least its peaceful there...lol
                                Spent all afternoon defrosting the freexser withe the help of a kettle and a hairdryer,,all because my ice cube kept jamming.
                                Packing tomorrow, then taking cases on thursday for 'day before' check in.
                                The forecast is only 84 -88 degrees all next week.


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