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FMB Fanclub

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  • Re: FMB Fanclub

    Good luck Enaid,

    I could have kept you company in the early hours I was wakened up til about 4a.m. Just could not sleep last night.

    Your post brought back memories I also done PAYE on the Kalamazoo system.
    Member of the Beagles £2 coin and small change savers clubs, both based in the Debt Forum:11:


    • Re: FMB Fanclub

      Well Ive been off since Last Thursday having a long weekend.

      Apart from sorting my PC out over the weekend, which I won't mention cos Nelly will shout for talking nonsense, which is why ive not been on much, due to posting problems which are sorted now

      It was my Sons 4th Birthday today so Ive been busy with the Scaletrix track all day as well as lots of other presents which have all got to be played with, at the same time my nearly 2 yr old daughter wants to run off with al the toys. So a very noisy and screaming house.
      Last night we were doing party bags for him to take to nursery with some games and toys in, so at least i had some peace this afternoon, which he was there.

      Well ile be back to work tomorrow, so i will be able to take it easy again.

      Nelly which Mystery shopper companies are you with. I'm registered with Retail Eyes and another one, but Ive forgotten the name ...lol

      Hope everyone had a good weekend



      • Re: FMB Fanclub

        my mums with retail eyes

        if thats interesting ?

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        • Re: FMB Fanclub

          I have gone to Gapbuster worldwide (well you never know) lol and agents@mystery shoppers. I'll have a look at retail eyes as well I think.
          I didn't say you spoke nonsense lol I said it weren't English there is a subtle difference lol.

          Glad you had a nice break from work


          • Re: FMB Fanclub

            Morning all,
            Feeling ok this morning, up bright and early, haven't been jogging yet lol and won't be either.
            The evenings are getting lighter now we have daylight till gone 5.30, so spring is on the way
            I put them in cause I love to see the daffs flowering and I always have a few on my kitchen window sill.
            Hope everyone is ok today and you have a lovely day. I may venture in the garden for an hour and supervise the OH. Things are popping up, but then again some are weeds that need to go lol, My lawn is full of moss too, so that needs sorting, I will give him a list I think and see how he fairs.
            I will lay odds though if that sun comes out the only digging he'll do is for worms. He hasn't been fishing for a while and I know he's itching to go. Ah well maybe he deserves to go, after all he puts up with me :typing: all day.


            • Re: FMB Fanclub

              Morning all,

              Not a bad day,bit cold,went to take son to work this morning and car won't start,other one is still in the garage (sons old one he used to learn in) so will have to use daughters today.
              Have an appointment at the hospital hopefully for a diagnosis for youngest.

              Daughter is off work due to cutting her toe on Saturday course she was drunk when she did it so it wasn't sore but it is really deep right across her big toe,she should have really gone and got stitches,having a problem walking and can't get shoes on,it is clean and no sign of infection so should heal okay.
              Member of the Beagles £2 coin and small change savers clubs, both based in the Debt Forum:11:


              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                Hiya all,

                Well himself had his ECG and his heart is fine which surprises me that they managed to find it at all. Anyway they now think it could be related to his diabetes, high blood pressure etc so its away to the hospital for more blood tests for him.
                Rest of the day has been ok and nothing much to report, except phone keeps going with peeps asking how himself is, ain't it great to have peeps care


                • Re: FMB Fanclub

                  Hellloooooooooooooooooo....................... Im happy. x
                  Natwest Round 1 - Won £16,080 after 6 month battle :roll:
                  Abbey Round 1 - Won £5,580 after 5 month battle :okay:
                  Capital 1 Credit Card - Won £1230 in 2 months
                  Capital 1 Cred Card for Hubby - Won £1560 in 2 months :kiss:
                  Abbey MBNA Credit Card - Won £2210 in 3 months
                  Halifax Credit Card - Won £1680 in 2 months


                  Now Gunning for
                  Natwest round 2
                  Abbey Round 2
                  Yorkshire Bank round 1
                  A further £6000 to come back from above 3 when I win.:roll:


                  • Re: FMB Fanclub

                    Hi all,

                    Okay son has now been diagnosed bit of a relief really, he has Aspergers Syndrome. Not that it will make any difference to us as he is who he is,but should help with school.They have asked us to take a couple of weeks to digest some of the info they have given us,then go back and discuss ways in which they can help.
                    Member of the Beagles £2 coin and small change savers clubs, both based in the Debt Forum:11:


                    • Re: FMB Fanclub

                      That is good news scottishlass,
                      I'm sure nothing much will change at home..... but should make his school life allot easier from now on...... schools tend to make much more of an effort once they have a diagnoses to go on


                      • Re: FMB Fanclub

                        I'm pleased too you have now got a diagnosis SL, I do think although having something wrong with any of your kids is awful, when you have a name and a possible explanation for the condition it helps a great deal. There is loads of info on the web about this and if you don't like reading through it all, I would consider joining a group or society. Not only for yourself, but also these people tend to keep better records etc of the numbers of new cases. They also are usually in the forefront of any new treatments etc.

                        Very frosty here this morning, mind you we were warned so can't complain.
                        Must have been the daffodils and mention of spring I made yesterday that did it lol.


                        • Re: FMB Fanclub

                          Hi all,

                          Thanks Tempty and Enaid,

                          Yes good to get the diagnosis and I am sure it will make it easier for him at school,he is underachieving in some subjects they felt due to the communication problem so will be able to help him with that.

                          Was on the NAS site and have read a lot of info from there and also the stories from others with Aspergers and their families and how they have coped so very good reading.

                          Really cold here,finally got the heating fixed, so nice to have some heat at last.
                          Member of the Beagles £2 coin and small change savers clubs, both based in the Debt Forum:11:


                          • Re: FMB Fanclub

                            Good luck for today Enaid,I hope you get the job

                            You know what I am sick of moaning,the heating only lasted about an hour,called them back he now thinks the pump has seized,they think there might be water in the oil,so he put it all back together and hey presto it worked again much to his amazement.But told me not to use it until I get the oil tank cleaned out. Spent most of yesterday trying to find someone to do this but failed so still very cold and miserable due to being ill.

                            Going away to start phoning again see you all later. Hopefully I will be in a better mood.
                            Member of the Beagles £2 coin and small change savers clubs, both based in the Debt Forum:11:


                            • Re: FMB Fanclub

                              Cheers SL,
                              I am sorry your not well and I hope you will soon get your heating fixed.
                              Get googling mrs and see if you can get someone in to sort it for you.
                              See you later Enaid xx


                              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                                Well I sure have been a bit quiet recently, but I guess I can blame that on work, I really have to bust a gut to get a decent amount in, but hey hoe, slowly getting on top of things and then I can turn my attention to the other debts that I have.

                                Scottishlass, glad that you have a diagnosis, at least now you know what it is and can get the help needed. We are still waiting for the referals etc from the mental health team, they don't think they are the best to help my little tearaway.

                                Enaid, sorry to hear that himself isnt too well, hope he starts to perk up soon, and your talk of daffs..... I have about 7 crocuses (croci??) blooming in the garden, have been there for a couple of weeks now.

                                Well coffee break over, guess I had better get back to work, at some point I will be able to get some more jewellery made!

                                Oh and Nicklowe..... you wotsit, you had me in tears again! lovely interview xx


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