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FMB Fanclub

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  • Re: FMB Fanclub

    I ain't posting till he's landed, someone tell us when................


    • Re: FMB Fanclub

      Morning All

      Glad to be back at work for a rest.

      Both Kids are ill with cold and a bad cough, which means they arent sleeping, and in turn we are sleeping.
      The worst part is that when you finally get one off to sleep, the other starts coughing and wakes up crying which then wakes the other up.
      Its like a vicious cycle. Anyway Kel is off to day to take them to the docs and i will probabbly be off tommorrow.

      Also went out and saturday and what a crap night that turned out to be, I wont go into detail, but i was out with a group of women/girls from Asda and it ended up being like a night with school kids with 2 women arguing cos one had talked to some bloke the other fancied. FFS.... msl:

      Anyway HAPPY MONDAY


      • Re: FMB Fanclub

        Hiya peeps, well I'm on my own yet again. I'm starting to like the single life. Anyway himself has called and said he can either be home tomorrow or then end of the week. Awwwww I said but I miss you so much - NOT msl:.
        He did come home on Saturday and we had lunch out and an indian in the evening, then yesterday off he went back up north.
        So now I'm up to date with the chores, the ironing is being collected later, and I have a new cleaner starting on Thursday.
        Its good TV tonight, Emmerdale, Enders, 2 lots of Corrie and then that new serious The Palace, I watched it last week and it looks promising.
        Talk laters.
        Last edited by Sapphire; 21st January 2008, 15:18:PM.


        • Re: FMB Fanclub

          Originally posted by sapphire View Post
          the ironing is being collected later,




          • Re: FMB Fanclub

            The binmen have been and gone this morning so its safe for another week msl:


            • Re: FMB Fanclub

              Morning all,
              Well It's stopped raining yabadabadooooooo. Mind you it's a tad frosty but that will soon clear I think.
              I'm going to a quiz tonight (Don't say a word) meeting some old friends and staying at mum and dads. So if you were wondering, OK just if you wondered where I was, now you know.
              Just had a titter about the last quiz I went to with this lot lol, I finished up dancing to the music round
              Be Back tomorrow some time, so behave yerselves if you can lol


              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                Nothing much happening here, at least its stopped raining (for now). Am nearly up to date at work so feel justified in sneaking on here for 10 mins before Adam turns up. Hope he hurries up actually cos I'm out of ciggies and I've sent him a text asking him to bring me some when he gets here.

                No work in the bookies till tomorrow night, so nice relaxing evening planned for tonight, but am too skint to buy a bottle of wine so it'll have to be council pop in a long glass with an ice cube lol.

                OH has got the lurgy and has taken to his bed, best place for him if you ask me, I just can't be doing with ill people round me. yes I know thats evil and selfish but I never professed to be Florence Nightingale did I. I swear if I had to be a nurse I'd chuck myself of the nearest bridge. I can do caring, but patience (or patients) no way!!!!

                Jess has come out in an allergic reaction to god knows what, so she's on the anti histamines, fortunately me and Lewis are fit as fiddles so thats alright, at least there's someone else apart from me alive enough to let the dogs out for a wee and load the dishwasher.:roll:
                Is no longer here


                • Re: FMB Fanclub

                  Morning all, well nothing much to report here unfortunately. Himself is coming home today so a nice dinner tonight and watch the t.v. although he's said that he needs to sit and talk seriously with me, I expect its either how to take the business forward or about getting the remortgage stuff sorted so that we have the paper work ready if Nat West decide to get a tad shirty.
                  Anyway I shall pop back in later when I have done a bit more work.
                  Talk laters peeps.


                  • Re: FMB Fanclub

                    Morning all, and all is well with the world. Peace and harmony has now been reinstalled in the house and we can look forward again at last.
                    I have to confess the last week or so has been pretty nasty but hey thats life isn't it, we have now settled our differences and kissed and made up.
                    Only one drawback he's still being a tad awkward about the dawgie idea, but I will win eventually pmsl.
                    Hope everyone is ok this fine morning.
                    Talk laters.


                    • Re: FMB Fanclub

                      God, Sapph, quit while your ahead for once, give up on the dawgie for a while, you know darned well you'll get your own way in the end, so whats a while longer? Glad to hear its all lovey dovey again, lifes too short for differences with loved ones isn't it. Although i have to say I quite enjoy a bloody good screaming fit every now and then:witch:

                      Weather is a bit grim here today, gloomy and dull but at least not so cold, and its not raining. Although it might be for all I know, I haven't looked outside since I got to work. might nip out for a fag in a bit. Bloke has gone back to work today, jess has gone to school (spots and all), which means that there's no-one at home to do any housework. Although they didn't do ****** all for the last 2 days anyway so no change there then.

                      Ted the Director actually spoke to me yesterday, after totally ignoring me on Friday. I suppose thats a step in the right direction, means i haven't got to punch him just yetmsl:
                      Is no longer here


                      • Re: FMB Fanclub

                        Well hello,
                        Was feeling fine till I put the bloody TV on.
                        First about those teenagers from one town committing suicide, how the eck do you get over something like that. I don't suppose you ever do to be honest, impossible. There are hints that it is something to do with internet usage, well I can't say that has shocked me, but it has made me think.

                        Next the rise in Council Tax for most of us about 4%, well along with fuel and general price rises, a lot more people are going to be in the do dar so to speak.

                        Finally I was wishing I was on Weight Loss Island with the GMTV crew this morning lol, I need to lose some weight, not for vanity but for my health. I reckon being on an Island with no rum, could be the only way to do it lol.


                        • Re: FMB Fanclub

                          Morning everyone. Can't believe I'm the first one on here today.

                          Anyway, me and me wellies are here, but it seems no-one else is. I'll just have to do some work instead...:rolleyes:
                          Is no longer here


                          • Re: FMB Fanclub

                            I'm here, not got me wellies on though yet. In fact still got me jammies on, how bad is that?
                            Was your curry ok and did they remember to charge you for last weeks?


                            • Re: FMB Fanclub

                              Hi everyone,

                              Just thought I would say hi,it's a bit windy today it's dry so far so not too bad, it could be a lot worse.
                              Looking forward to tomorrow as granchildren are coming out to stay,as usual they will have me exhausted,but good fun.:carrot:

                              They have just got a puppy staffie and he is coming out on Sunday to meet my St bernard,don't know how she will react,hope they will get on.
                              Will let you know
                              Member of the Beagles £2 coin and small change savers clubs, both based in the Debt Forum:11:


                              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                                Well hello there, its a dull day down here is Essex, not quite raining yet but looks like its on its way although I could be wrong as I nearly always am.

                                Di Inch Loss Island is actually Burgh Island off of Devon/Dorset way. The hotel there is where many of the Agatha Christie 'Poirot' mysteries were filmed. It is a proper island and the only way on or off is by foot, boat or a special carrier thing that goes across http://www.burghisland.com/

                                Take a look its lovely.


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