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FMB Fanclub

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  • Re: FMB Fanclub

    okikoki I think spring is on it's way


    • Re: FMB Fanclub


      We still have a lot of snow,took my daughter nearly 2 hours to get home last night,I hate driving in this conditions,but will have to find a way to get to the bank,need to transfer money and pay a bill (or I will be charged)

      Dog is acting really weird again,she is sleeping under my bed,(she snores a lot and really loud)and now she has gone and found all her toys from the garden,she normally doesn't bother with them at all,and is guarding them,and carrying them with her everywhere strange
      Member of the Beagles £2 coin and small change savers clubs, both based in the Debt Forum:11:


      • Re: FMB Fanclub

        OH eck SL tis not a Phantom pregnancy is it?


        • Re: FMB Fanclub

          morning Enaid,

          was just thinking that myself,as she was like this the first time she had been in season,and took to staying in my sons room with her toys.

          At first I thought she was just feeling odd cos of what is going on here ( you know what I mean) and was picking up on how I was feeling and just wanted to be close to me,but now with the toys not so sure it's that.

          Poor thing will have to keep my eye on her
          Member of the Beagles £2 coin and small change savers clubs, both based in the Debt Forum:11:


          • Re: FMB Fanclub

            aww yes it can be quite stressful for them I believe, maybe give your local RSPCA a call if she goes any odder so to speak, they will give you free advice. You don't need pups either lol so don't fer gawds sake let her get out lol. I know they can be worse than dogs when they are in season. Good luck enaid x


            • Re: FMB Fanclub

              Oh god no!!!!!!! they can have huge litters of pups,she has been out again and found yet another toy.........maybe she is playing search and rescue lol....... garden is really secure so she can't escape. Poor baby.

              Just taken son to work they have not touched our roads at all......bit scary.

              Feel sorry for the youngest one he never asks for anything, but yesterday he asked if he could go visit a friend problem is it is 7 miles away don't want to risk it on these roads.
              Member of the Beagles £2 coin and small change savers clubs, both based in the Debt Forum:11:


              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                Well its bloody freezing in this office, my fingers have got frostbite!

                We've had hardly any snow, just a few flurries here and there, although its very cold. Had a good weekend, although himself gave me the lurgy so I've been a bit under the weather, so to speak.

                Went showjumping with Jess on Sunday, Jerry did okay, got a clear rounbd, then had one down in the novice,. But he was good and didn't even try to refuse any fences, not even the scary ones. Practising over fillers with coats flapping on the top could have had some bearing on that, I think, lol. She needs a bigger horse now, and has her heart set on one thats for sale at our yard. Absolutley gorgeous, with loads of potential. Only problem is the price. 3 years worth of non-smoking should do it :ohwell:
                Is no longer here


                • Re: FMB Fanclub

                  eveniing all,
                  well done enaid on the walking my moms started going to the gym and shes 76 in may!!
                  yep little doggy is getting big,but probs have begun
                  she had her first season but the other day i saw next doors dog in our garden and havent been able to keep him out,so im wondering how long hes been getting over,....well last night saw all ten of her teats a bit more swollen than they usually are!!! no!!!!! pls someone tell me this os normal for when they come out of season? it didnt happen while she was in season....


                  • Re: FMB Fanclub

                    Not a clue Archer sorry, never had a bitch before this one and she has been spayed. You maybe as well getting a test done at RSPCA if you can and take it from there Enaid x


                    • Re: FMB Fanclub


                      Have a read of that Archer.


                      • Re: FMB Fanclub

                        Well I do hope your little doggy problems are soon sorted, you have to remember though tis spring. Don't really know why we associate spring with breeding tbh, must be the spring lambs and calves etc oh and birds. Maybe they are right lol. Oh eck am rambling.

                        OMG I can't but lamb chops today now awwwww


                        • Re: FMB Fanclub

                          thanks enaid a mine of information as usual! dreading the next few weeks now!
                          everyone seems to be pregnant!!
                          weathers changeable her but at least im not froze today!!


                          • Re: FMB Fanclub

                            You bloody better not mean you are


                            • Re: FMB Fanclub

                              lol thankfully not! unless you have just cursed me in which case i shall hunt you down!!! lol
                              my sons GF is pregnant and my sons stepmom is too....
                              i think im getting past that stage now old age and all!!


                              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                                Originally posted by archer_66 View Post
                                lol thankfully not! unless you have just cursed me in which case i shall hunt you down!!! lol
                                my sons GF is pregnant and my sons stepmom is too....
                                i think im getting past that stage now old age and all!!
                                Me thinks, reading between the lines you may have found a male friend, I do remember you mentioning one a bit back. Anyway I hope you have and you are enjoying yourself.
                                You are going to be a gran as well, not good in my eyes but a lot of people love it
                                I hope Jet is ok let us know won't you? Enaid x


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