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FMB Fanclub

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  • Re: FMB Fanclub

    Well this is going to be the state of my computer in about 10 minutes. I've just spent over 3 hours trying to do my shopping on-line.
    Because BT can't be a****d to improve our line we're still on dial up

    Took over 30 mins to watch the lenny henry video.
    I'm now going to have a nice calming cup of tea.


    • Re: FMB Fanclub

      Originally posted by calamity jane View Post
      Took over 30 mins to watch the lenny henry video.
      Well thats 30 mins of your life wasted youre never gonna get back..lol


      • Re: FMB Fanclub

        pkea know exactly how you feel,think i lost the plot for a few months as well what with one thing and another...
        and today i posted 2 claims to the county court,so watch out im back to claiming,although i dont have much left now!


        • Re: FMB Fanclub

          Nice on Archer and glad your OK
          Just to let you know I am walking further with dog, not that far but improving never the less
          Hows your little girl doing? mind you she won't be that little now.
          Keep us posted with your claims and shouldn't be long now before we hear the first installment of the OFT thingy. Take care Enaid xx


          • Re: FMB Fanclub

            Morning Everyone

            Well its Kellys Birthday today, so as its a half decent day were off to Chester Zoo

            See you all later


            • Re: FMB Fanclub

              Enjoy your day at the zoo Pk,and wish your wife a Happy Birthday.
              Member of the Beagles £2 coin and small change savers clubs, both based in the Debt Forum:11:


              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                Have a lovely day PK, was that Kelly's idea I wonder or yours lol


                • Re: FMB Fanclub

                  hello everyone

                  Not a great start to the day....my internet connection wasn't working.......... I was beginning to panic.......just what would I do with out the internet..........all back and working so panic over for today.

                  It is cold and damp here today, going to Peterhead later.....better put on my thermals......It is always windy and cold there.

                  Speaking about windy I heard a bit on the radio yesterday about how they are going to do a study into sheep and cows and their wind problems as they emitting too much gas into the air made me chuckle.
                  Member of the Beagles £2 coin and small change savers clubs, both based in the Debt Forum:11:


                  • Re: FMB Fanclub

                    Well if they need to compare cows wind habits with humans, I have a couple of males at our house they can have for research. No charge either


                    • Re: FMB Fanclub

                      Well had to dig this thread out again, I am sat her looking out the window and all is covered in snow. It would have been a lovely sight had it been Christmas and not Easter.
                      All you southerners who usually get away with not having as severe weather as us up north, lol it's coming your way right now. Here is a reminder of what it's like, just in case you can't remember.


                      • Re: FMB Fanclub

                        Morning all, its snowing here in Essex too which is a bit of a shock I can tell you. Everyone knows its written in the stars that we get all the good weather down here and up North gets all the cold/wet weather.
                        Anyway now I have managed to upset approx 90% of the users on here :rofl:Love you really guys :grouphug:

                        Well today I'm carrying on with the decorating, although there is a couple of errrr quite important football matches on the telly this afternoon. Man U v Liverpool & Chelsea v Arsenal. Never ever thought I'd say this but COME ON YOU LIVERPOOL ooooh I hope Stevie G and his pals stuff the ugly bugs of Man U. And then there's the Chelsea v Arsenal game well it goes without saying
                        COME ON YOU BLUES lets hope John Terry and Co stuff Arsenal.
                        Hmmmm better go get some work done, talk laters peeps.


                        • Re: FMB Fanclub

                          Good morning,

                          what a beautiful picture Enaid.

                          We have snow here too......makes the garden look lovely.....my dog just loves the snow,yesterday there was only a very fine layer and she was out on the patio rolling about in it, the downside is when it melts and she is thundering about the garden she turns it to a big muddy puddle...... you should have seen the colour of her last night just disgusting,she had no white bits left

                          Hope you all have a nice day today:grouphug:
                          Member of the Beagles £2 coin and small change savers clubs, both based in the Debt Forum:11:


                          • Re: FMB Fanclub

                            Morning everyone,
                            Well the snow has all but gone here, must admit it does look lovely when you are sat in a warm house and you look through a window at it. Not so good for trudging through and trying to clean off you car.
                            I was thinking about all the baby lambs being born into that weather, I know farmers put jackets on them sometimes. I put mint sauce on mine
                            No idea what happened with the footy except Man United are 6 points in the lead, not that I give two hoots.
                            Goint to make a bit of toast now, not much on today. A few domestics a re in order though


                            • Re: FMB Fanclub


                              Wish I could say the same thing about the snow,but we have a lot more now,and it's really really cold.

                              Took son to his work thank goodness it's not far up the road,roads are bad,bit like an ice rink,so won't be going out today again. Thank goodness I went for shopping yesterday.

                              Daughter,hubby and kids came out yesterday,that was a nice surprise,good job I had made a big pot of soup,had roast beef for supper,so we had a nice day.
                              Member of the Beagles £2 coin and small change savers clubs, both based in the Debt Forum:11:


                              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                                Morning all its nice and bright here at the moment.
                                Had a nice visitor last night at 8.15 pm pfffft - - NOT. Sodding rep from a DCA came to the door, I ask you 8.15 pm on Easter Sunday, I bet you can guess what happened. Anyway you can read about it in VIP - GoDebt a Horror Story.
                                Am off out to the shops this morning, have to hire himselfs Dinner Suit - yes its that time of year again the Ladies Nights are starting in a couple of weeks and its posh frock time. Not too bad this year though, we have one in April which is quite local and then we have a weekender which is in Bournemouth in May, that will be great fun and we always go with the same crowd and stick together, just 8 of us (4 couples) have a brilliant laugh as we are all best buddies, and yes its the same gang going to Mexico as well so its our practice run for our jollies 2 weeks after that pmsl.
                                Anyway must pop off will come back later when I can.
                                Have a great day all.


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