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FMB Fanclub

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  • Re: FMB Fanclub

    Hi all,

    Finally got the heating sorted,but he said it might not last long as the boiler is old, between cars and heating I am about round the twist, daughters car is just out of the garage after skidding on ice,she bent the wishbone and knackered the wheel and her radiator was leaking,at the moment it's been one car in one out just had to put another one in for MOT.

    Sorry if I am rambling but just fed up.

    I have the cold as well not surprising really with no heating so feeling miserable.

    And I need a kick up the butt to get me going re claims etc I am using the excuse of my son taking over my office (it's really just a big cupboard) so not getting access to all my bits and pieces and it's been too cold in there.

    Maybe once I thaw out will feel like doing something
    Member of the Beagles £2 coin and small change savers clubs, both based in the Debt Forum:11:


    • Re: FMB Fanclub

      Morning all,
      Hope you soon get warmed up SL, I am here to gently kick yer butt too. Get your claims going, you know it makes sense and you don't know whats going to happen with the test case.
      At least if your claims are in the system whatever happens we we'll all be in the same boat.
      If they are CC's you can carry on as normal.

      It has gone a lot colder here, up to now this week has been lovely just like late spring. The birds are not even singing this morning.

      Paul and Heather can't decide on a settlement, it's so sad it's come to this imo.
      I love Paul and can't say a word against him really, I hope too he is not dragged through the mud with this case.
      On the other hand though I do think the amount of wealth he has is gross and quite pointless.


      • Re: FMB Fanclub

        I fully sympathise with anyone thats got this bloomin cold that's going round. Jeesh it's a bad un! Mother in Law was off work with it for 3 weeks, OH has taken a few days holiday over the past couple of weeks cos he has been bad with it, and then he felt really bad cos he passed it on to me. I am about to start my third week with it, and I still feel like death warmed up.

        On a lighter note, I did the proud mummy bit last night, my daughter had entered a superstars competition at school, got through the auditions and was in the finalists for last night. There has been a lot of whispering etc between her and my OH this past week, seems he took her shopping for an outfit for her for it. So she got up there and sang my fave song, Truly Madly Deeply. I confess that I cried, she didn't quite have the right voice for it (not saying that she can't sing or anything, but some voices and songs just go together), she did well to belt it out over the volume of the music mind. Didn't win, but the girl that did win really did deserve it, she did a Whitney Houston one (I have nothing) and it brought us all out in goosebumps.

        But I am proud of my little girl anyway, takes some balls to stand up on a stage and sing a solo!

        Anyway gotta get the other one to school (whole different story going on with him and if we have a psycologist here I would appreciate some advice)


        • Re: FMB Fanclub

          Nice one Delta, you are right it does take some guts to get up on stage and sing. With me tis not so much guts as rum lol, anyway as you say the best man won and it's nice to know your daughter understands that too.
          As for the lad, what can I say? but I have been there had the t shirt Delta and TBH they don't get any better as they grow up, sorry if that's not what you want to hear.


          • Re: FMB Fanclub

            Morning all,

            Well the heating was short lived has broke again they think there is water in the oil,being the first time with oil heating not sure what to do now will do some phoning round later.

            Thanks Enaid for the gently kick I do need it,I did make a start yesterday by cleaning up the computer as was losing things all over the place,still some to do but once I have that done I will get going.

            Delta you must of been so proud and good on her,I remember my son had the lead in the school play he was so good ( so was the rest of the them) when it came to the end and everyone had to come on to the stage and take a bow when they called his name the whole stage stood up and clapped and cheered (he was the only one that got this response) and they had me and his teacher in tears I was so proud of him.
            Member of the Beagles £2 coin and small change savers clubs, both based in the Debt Forum:11:


            • Re: FMB Fanclub

              Well when she was annnounced on the stage for her act, all her friends stood up and cheered her on, and they were dancing and clapping all the way through, which didn't happen with the other acts. She thought she did bad though, we have told thats crap! she did so well.

              As to the other one, well he's just been seen by the mental health team at the hospital, they can't help him so are passing him over to the psyc unit, they mentioned something about ODD, which is Oppositional Defiance Disorder. We have the option of working with the psyc support team, or some initiative that the social services/police/council/school are involved in where they try to get to 'troubled' kids and intervene before they start getting ASBOs and such like.


              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                Hi Delta,

                Know where you are coming from my eldest son now 18 has ADHD he can be very trying at times,can normally cope with him quite well he's not a bad kid,he was thrown out of school 3 times until he was diagnosed.He can control himself better now,he is an apprentice electrician and is quite quiet at work but lets it all out when he comes home

                My youngest 14 will be 15 in May is currently going through assessments for Autistic spectrum disorder,he doesn't talk,although he can,he finds it difficult to communicate, should have an answer on Tuesday as we have a big meeting with all of the Team dealing with him.

                Good luck with your son
                Member of the Beagles £2 coin and small change savers clubs, both based in the Debt Forum:11:


                • Re: FMB Fanclub

                  Not a bad day, it's looking ok up to yet anyway. It was very windy yesterday but it has dropped off now.
                  Sorry about the problems your having with your kids you two. The only consolation is knowing they are being assessed and once their particular disorder is diagnosed, then they can have treatment. It's not that long ago they would just have been classed as naughty, or disruptive kids. So progress is happening, although tbh it does make one think if there is a reason or a cause of these problems.
                  Not a lot to say this morning really, I have signed up to be a mystery shopper lol, I will keep you informed on that. I may have to be in :hat::spy:ainkiller: disguise


                  • Re: FMB Fanclub

                    Morning all,

                    Really cold here,sun is shining tho,feel like crap full of the cold.

                    Hey Enaid good luck with the mystery shopping

                    As far as the kids,they are not that much of a problem one very loud and you know he is here, the other very quiet and don't hear a peep out of him I do worry about the youngest one more as he finds it very difficult to communicate,but as you say once we get the diagnosis they will hopefully be able to help him with that.
                    Member of the Beagles £2 coin and small change savers clubs, both based in the Debt Forum:11:


                    • Re: FMB Fanclub

                      Morning folks,
                      Well on a mission this morning, saving money lol
                      I have taken the first steps to switching gas and electric, read my SPARK thread, I am not going to say its good or bad till it's finalised, but they reckon they can save me £369.36 per year. Will have a bit of that if it all pans out ok.
                      Next my home and contents insurance, paying £28. 57 per month at the moment, had another quote and that is £34.00 deposit and 10 months at £14.98 which equals a yearly saving of £159.22 Plus i get a £50 cash back knocked off the amount of course. I think i will have a bit of that too. By the way i put the policy details in the same as the old but upped the amounts a little.
                      So all being well this morning I will have saved enough money to buy.............................

                      still working out how many bottles of um lol


                      • Re: FMB Fanclub

                        Morning all, sorry I'm not about much today or yesterday, but hopefully will be back on track either later today or tomorrow.
                        Well here's how the weekend went so far:

                        Friday evening: had our regular takeaway with my great, great friend and next door neighbour, himself then announced that he wants to get up early (sat) to get to hospital to have his blood tests done, he has them every 3 months for his diabetes, so an early night.
                        Sat: Got up at 6.30 am and at the hospital at 7.30 am and in queue for 8 am blood test dept opening, when himself realises that he has left the forms at home (don't you just love them at times). So we left hospital and went early shopping, then picked mum up (she was 85 yesterday) and she's staying a few days. Friends round last night and had a drink or two and some nice food.
                        Today: Up again at 6.30 am (can't sleep in), got the papers, couple of cuppas and the others are still in bed, lazy sods.

                        Am a bit worried about himself he's having bouts of slurring his speach, apparently the docs told him they think he's had a TIA (whatevery that is), but they will know more when he's had his ECG's etc on Tuesday morning. Trouble is he's had heart trouble for a while now and has had 2 strokes before (although mild) so we will see what happens next.

                        Oooooo and 14 weeks tomorrow till me jollies (not that I'm counting)


                        • Re: FMB Fanclub

                          Morning all,

                          Wow Enaid you have been busy well done on the savings.

                          Sapphire sorry to hear about your Hubby hope everything is okay.

                          Well I have been doing what is one of my worst jobs ironing I hate it well that and cleaning windows so having a wee break before doing some more.
                          Member of the Beagles £2 coin and small change savers clubs, both based in the Debt Forum:11:


                          • Re: FMB Fanclub

                            Well have been up and about for a few hours now. Logged on to job center and there is a cracking little job going, it will suit me down to the ground. I will apply as soon as its daylight lol. Bit of money handling which is no problem, payroll which I did many moons ago on a kalamazoo system. Must be honest and reliable, I can say that for certain.
                            It doesn't mention age lol so one never knows, I also won't mention the breathing lol, cause i can when I'm sat down.
                            Also i have been accepted by the Mystery Shopping people, I have to do some on line tests, not a problem as I will print off all the info needed for each shop and refer back. In any case where I worked before we had regular Mystery shoppers and have an idea what to look for.
                            So up to yet not a bad start to the day, I would love that little job, but won't get too upset if i don't get it, there will be more.


                            • Re: FMB Fanclub

                              Blimey enaid... you have been a busy little bee. Best of luck with the job hun... i'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you
                              Mystery shopping can be fun.... i've done a bit of that before, while i was working for Tiny... they used to send me off to mystery shop Time LOL

                              speaking of computers mine went tit's up in a rather big way yesterday...... managed to get a nasty virus that destroyed the registries on windows to the point that even getting it to boot in safe mode was a bit hit and miss.... thankfully i managed to get in long enough to back up all my data, then it was a case of format and start again... Have gone with Vista this time (the 32bit one though)... pc has had a little upgrade too..... bit more ram... had no problems getting everything to work so far... seems to be running very well, and all in all i have to say i'm impressed with it looks very slick and easy to use.


                              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                                Oh have an interview on Thursday 12 o'clock, that'll give me time to sort the old barnet out and do a CV thingy lol. Right off to find a CV site that does it for you back soon xx


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