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FMB Fanclub

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  • Re: FMB Fanclub

    Morning alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllll:kiss:


    • Re: FMB Fanclub

      Morning all,
      Decided to get up this morning early for a change lol 4.35 :rolleyes:
      There was a time and it does't seem that long ago I would just be getting home now lol.
      Anyway can't do a weather report cause it's too dark lol.

      Nothing on the news is looking good either, bad aircrash in Bankok.
      Northern Rock to extend opening hours so you can get your money out.
      Said today TSB were going to buy it, maybe a lucky escape there then, for all Toy Town bankers, thats me pet name for TSB lol.
      Just going to make me 3rd cuppa, I'll be on the loo all day at this rate lol


      • Re: FMB Fanclub

        Well really, didn't think this thread went a whole day with no comments on, will have to keep my eye on that lol.
        Morning anyway, and guess who else is out and about this morning........................JackFrost
        What a depressing year this has been weather wise.
        Never mind onwards and upwards, don't really know what that means lol but it sounds good.


        • Re: FMB Fanclub

          Jack has been here too! I guess that means that summer is now most definately over


          • Re: FMB Fanclub

            Hi Delta,
            Well tis not all doom and gloom, there is a glut of apples. Doubt if the price of cider will go down, but you can make an apple pie cheaper lol.

            As for Jack Frost, I hope you remember he is out and about when yer wearing yer skimpy skirt on Saturday. Yes I read your post yer little tease you pmsl.


            • Re: FMB Fanclub

              Me? A tease? no never, I'm a good girl

              Though my parenting skills were publically questioned last night by some old flatuant. Long story and I am still slightly consternated by it all. (ha and he said I had a limited vocabulary!)


              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                morning all
                yus jack has been here this morning too, tis blummin nippy here in fact oh well at least it's not raining and the temp is rising gradually at least
                another groovey day of housework before another gripping night shift. but that will be my last for a week yipeeeeeeeee


                • Re: FMB Fanclub

                  Don't think Jack has been here but then I didn't get up till 8.30 so he'd probably been and gone. Lovely and sunny now but really cold. At work till 5, no nipping out today to take the dogs for clipping like yesterday. They look all tidy now, in fact Sox my 11 year old looks like a staffy puppy now, except for the fluffy tail. I've now decided she's a staffy/collie cross, not just a collie cross!
                  Is no longer here


                  • Re: FMB Fanclub

                    Well you won't go wrong with that mixture maybe good job she's 11 and well trained pmsl
                    I must admit my little girl is calming down a bit herself, infact I noticed it this morning when she only span me round the once when she spotted a cat 500 yard away lol.
                    Once my arm was back in it's socket all was well.


                    • Re: FMB Fanclub

                      Even Millie the nearly-border-collie behaved herself, din't bite off any hands or eat the blow dryer. Although she did try to climb out the car window on the way home to kill a particualrly peculiar looking local! She looks like a dog now, not a bitch, and if anything even more menacing than usual. She's got a really deep bark for a girl as well. But she's a softie really........hasn't pulled any arms out of sockets for a while
                      Is no longer here


                      • Re: FMB Fanclub

                        Hiya fellow Beaglies, well its bright and sunny here in Essex, but somehow I feel cold today, and to make things worse my arm is extremely painful today. I've been having badminton lessons for an hour once a week as its not as viscious as tennis so hopefully that won't hurt it too much. I've not played tennis for 3 weeks now and am having another month off, hopefully the arm will be a lot better by then. Then I start my private lessons with an extremely good looking tennis coach and just my luck I found out last night that he's GAY ffs.
                        Anyway I've decided that this thread is starting to look decidedly quiet lately so I am now appealing to everyone to post more and more on here and lets get this thread back to how it should be, ie: fast, friendly and fun. OOOOOOOO where's fendy we need her here as well, can someone give her a shout please.
                        Talk laters beaglies.



                        • Re: FMB Fanclub

                          Then I start my private lessons with an extremely good looking tennis coach and just my luck I found out last night that he's GAY ffs.
                          The good looking one always are Sapp (watch 'em all come out of the closet now)

                          Nice cool day here but still sunny so best of both worlds for me.

                          Wondering what to do with the weekend - any ideas?


                          • Re: FMB Fanclub

                            lol jan let me see
                            well you could start with a drive to the airport.... watch all the nice planes landing (lol hopefully mine will..... did anyone see the news lastnight? Flybe re calling planes with faulty landing gear pmsl ..... anyone got a parachute i can borrow)

                            you could pick up a friend and go for breakfast....... then let me see.... how about a nice drive pick up another friend..... bit more driving (we know you love it) and round up with an allmighty **** up with yet more freinds.
                            it's just an idea..... pmsl


                            • Re: FMB Fanclub

                              Thats it you lot go on upset me 'cos you know I can't come, and I'll be stuck in some extremely posh and very, very expensive restaurant celebrating my friends 50th with Champagne etc.
                              Such is life.



                              • Re: FMB Fanclub

                                Aw never mind sapp, you can't win 'em all, we'll be thinking about you when we're necking the doubles, tucking into kebabs and picking up policemen on the way home - honest :kiss:


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